
Slot Selection Saturday

The time has come for another FuNHL slot selection.

I suggest we gather at Shanks South at 12 noon. This gives Collin time to get home and get ready after work, and there is a bit of a break between FIFA matches on the tele.

Bring you hardware good and bad.



Bladerunner said...

Sounds good to me! usually we'd already have done this during Stanley Cup playoffs, but during World cup soccer is cool too.

The Edge said...

actually, I'm done work at noon, so I wouln't be home until 12:30 and earliest I could be at Shanks south is just before 1:00. Still have to verify that I can attend. Has anyone gotten the poker chips from Dan yet?

Templar said...

I forgot to add in that we could start the selection around 1pm when you arrive.

Cameron said...

Won't be able to attend guys - give the Royal Crown Bag of Fate a kiss for me.

Bladerunner said...

1pm Sat, Schanks South it is - Bob and I will be there! Not sure if anyone met up with Dan to get the crown royal bag? If not, then Bob and I will create some new chips Friday evening while we watch the draft.

Scourge said...

i plan on coming but if i dont show here are my prefs:

Chris of the scourge: 1,2,3,4,5,12,11,6,10,7,8,9