
Rule Change Proposal #4: Re-submitted

Also not any changes on this one.

I propose that a GM holding rights to an RFA at the Entry Draft be allowed to match with any available FP replacement pick or the first available non-FP replacement pick, at his or her discretion.

To start 2010-2011 season

RFA status is supposed to confer an advantage on the team which owns the player. This proposal secures that advantage during Franchise Player replacement.


  1. The whole point of the RFA is that the value of the player is determined by the GM bidding on his services. If another GM believes one of your RFAs is more valueable than you do, then you either accept the value they place on the player or let that player go. I oppose.

  2. Is Bob agreeing to disagree with Doug?

    Or are you agreeing with the proposal?

  3. I have to oppose this on the rationale that, why should I be stopped from bidding on a RFA because the GM holding the rights to that RFA needs to replace a FP?

    If I value a player high enough to bid in round 1 or 2, that is my call. If you want to match then and there, that is your call.

    This would greatly limit player selection during the ED.

    Again, I oppose.

  4. I agree with Mike and Doug...ergo I oppose the prop.


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