
Rule Change Proposal #1: Re-submitted

Essentially no changes from the initial proposal.

I propose that GMs be granted the right to waive their team's Franchise Players. This shall include use of both waiver wire and waiver draft. Upon being waived the former FP loses all status. Further to this, I propose that the requirement that a team always have 2 Franchise Players be amended to be a limit of 2 Franchise Players instead.

To start 2010-2011 season

If a Franchise Player is doing so poorly that they do not deserve a spot on the roster for whatever reason, the GM should be allowed to deal with him as if he were any other player. Sometimes the FP will have sufficient value to be tradable. Sometimes, not so much. Regardless, it should fall to the GM to solve the problem as best he or she can.


  1. While perhaps one of the least offensive of the recent crop of FP rule proposals, it does seem to go against the notion of a franchise player (however defined) that they can be waived mid-season. I oppose.

  2. Again, I must say, I find this idea of waiving FPs mid-season to be equivalent to our current IR rule. I'm not sure why we would bother. I oppose again.

  3. I feel we are missguided by the current interpretation of FP.

    The rules state the following regarding FPs,

    10.1 Franchise Players (FPs) are selected by the team owning their rights, usually in rounds 9 and 10, but if they are replacing a waived FP then they are selected in round 1, or round 2 if two FPs are being replaced.

    34. FPs must be protected during both Waiver Drafts and FPs can not be waived to the Waiver Wire.

    These two rules are conflicting.

    How can we replace a "waived" FP if we can not "waive" an FP?

    I thought the original intent of having FP status was to allow a GM to keep 1 or 2 players in thier possession at now cost for as long as they wanted to have those players in thier possesion.

    We really need to re-evaluate FPs, and now id the time to do that.

    I AGREE, we should be able to replace, place on IR, trade, bench or WAIVE a FP like any other player. The only thing FP status affords a player is RETENTION during the offseason.

  4. Mike see Rule Prop 8 via Doug...


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