
Rule Change Proposal #2: Re-submitted

Thanks to Dan for his wordsmithing.


That limited Entry Draft trading be allowed. It is restricted to an exchange that takes place post-slot-selection draft between only two GMs, who agree to swap BOTH their 1st and 2nd round ED picks for the current year in exchange for some other consideration in the form of other traded assets like prospects, RFAs, FPs, and/or PrD picks being exchanged.

Trading of other ED picks, or single picks, would not be permitted

2011-2012 season

To allow GMs more latitude in choosing their FP and to increase league parity.

1.) Currently the only way to acquire an elite level UFA is to win the draft lottery or work out an overly complex and slightly questionable trade with the lucky GM who did win the draft lottery. This proposal simplifies the trade and brings it entirely above board.

2.) Universal access to elite UFAs for the purpose of making them Franchise Players will disperse the best players throughout the league and potentially promote parity.

Apologies to those who want greater restrictions, however for practical reasons this proposal does not require an FP replacement at the Entry Draft as part of the trade.


  1. ED pick trading is a never again thing with me, I oppose.

  2. I would only suppost this if one GM was moving UP, to replace without prejudice, a FP.

  3. So, Mike I guess you must oppose the prop.


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