
Whos at Center?

What does the covenant say about entering the ED with more than the requisite slots in a position?

Should we allow more than the stated number of players in a given position to be surpassed?
How many players in any one position do we really need?
Should we really allow GMs to over stack a position during or after the season?
Do we just go with the 22 players on the active roster regardless of position as long as you dress the required (or less) number per position every week?

We need clear definition in the Covenant.

1 comment:

  1. The Covenant is quite clear on this point. You can have however many players at a position ENTERING the ED as you want, in the form of FPs, RFAs, prospects.

    It is equally clear how many you can have on your (non-prospect) roster at the end of the ED - 4 at each forward position, 8 D, 2 goal. If you enter the draft with 5 RFA centres, you can only retain the services of 4 in the ED, and the fifth (if undrafted elsewhere) is simply cut loose to the free agent quagmire.

    You can trade AFTER the ED to restack your team ie trade 2 centres for 1, but then you are stuck with 3 for the balance of the year (and cannot rectify it even at the WD unless you do a 2 for 1 deal at centre back again first - you leave the WD with the same # of players at each position as you enter)

    The only restriction in restacking your positions is no GM can ever have less than 3 of each forward, 6 D and one goal (an active roster)


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