

Am I wrong in thinking that the DC was formed to resolve disputes between GMs?

Did we not change the responsibility from RC (Rules Committee) to DC because we thought any changes to the FuNHL rules were preview to ALL GMs, not just a small group? We all have a voice when it comes to the rules.

It does say in the Covenant that we need to vote on rule changes. Changing goalie calculations IS changing a rule.

We need to take conflict out of rule changes, and let the DC focus on DISPUTES.

Therefore I put before the FuNHL GMs a proposal to vote on the proposals set forth by myself, Rob, Dan and whom ever proposed the change to 3.5.

It is getting close to the ED and we REALLY need to put this issue to bed. NOW. I want closure so I can get my lists set in stone.


  1. It is to late to make any changes for this year as I do not think we will get unanimous approval for any proposal. The covenant currently puts the base GAA in the hands of the DC/RC. We have stated what we feel it should be. The GAA for this year is closed at 3.75 as we all have lists to prepare.

    Next years goalie calculation is still open.

  2. Can Cameron re-post the Covenant?

  3. I cannot post the covenant as I long ago ceased to be its keeper.

    That said, Rob is correct, the DC has made their decision and like or not it is what it is and we should move on and make our lists accordingly.


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