
Rule Proposal regarding Prospects

I propose that at the beginning of the ED, all prospects that are not likely to be held onto by any GMs be dropped.

This will bring more players into the fold for the ED. It makes sense to me to treat drops the same way we do at the WDs, ALL drops are announced at the beginning of the ED, before any picks are announced. There are occasions where GMs enter the PrD with more than the allowed 8 prospects.

It may seem inconsequential to some, but there are prospects that do not generate interest as prospects, but are prospects, and are dropped at the start of the PrD. But, those players in question could be better suited for 4th line spots by others.

I just feel we should have the sound knowledge of who we are dropping from our Prospect roster at the beginning of the ED. Having said that, the Prospect draft is technically part of the ED. Maybe we should treat those dropped prospects as RFAs for the duration of the ED, that way they still hold some sort of value.


  1. This variation was proposed when we made the most recent change two years ago and was voted down. If you think he is a good later round pick and is then dropped as a prospect then why would he not be a good prospect pick.

  2. What is wrong with dropping prospects you know are not worthy of being prospects?

    If someone has more than the allowed 8, why should they not be held to 8 (or less), at the start of the ED?

    If you have more than 8, you should know who you are going to keep on your roster, and who will be dropping at the PrD. So why not make all drops at the start of the ED. It brings more players into the fold at the ED.

  3. As Rob said, this was proposed and voted down. At the time the rationale was that if you hold a prospect, you have the right to wait until the PrD to decide if you are retaining him based on 2 factors:

    1) You could elect to draft him yourself in the ED (since you have his sole rights) if he is better than what's left to draft at pick 22 (and why should anyone else be allowed to pick YOUR prospect in the ED until he's no longer your prospect), and

    2) You could have a borderline prospect who may or may not be worth keeping as a prospect depending on which players went undrafted (though this is less of an issue since we adopted the rule that you cannot draft players that haven't played in the NHL until the PrD)

  4. Please put me down as voting against this proposal.


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