
GMs - Please Make Your Lists

Hello All,

The final act of the last DC set the Shutout standard at 3.75. That will be standard for this coming year 2008/09 ED. GMs - Please make your lists.

As well known, there is a vacancy on the DC for which nominations are open and will be settled at the ED at Collin's home.

There is need potentially for a new statskeeper as Doug wishes to set down.

There is also a vacancy as FUNHL treasurer which I will temporarily volunteer for [having collected the Lost Boys entry fee] until a more suitable candidate is found.

Any Rule Proposals for FUNHL changes should posted to the Blog on a different posting ASAP, perhaps by end of next week as a deadline so the league can consider each proposal.

Please abide the Covanent's Last Rule - Have Fun!


  1. If the new DC member is decided upon at the ED, I still think Bob and Rob as acting members of the DC can go ahead and run this vote so it goes smoothly. Before voting on rules though, there is confusion among the GMs as to the current voting system. My understanding is that 9/12 GMs can change a rule for THIS season and that IS how it reads in the covenant. IF we are going to change this to 12/12 for current season (the way it used to be) then we need to vote on that too and update the covenant.

  2. Get the DC to make it up as they go along - they are good at that.

    The facts are that changes this year are not allowed without unanimity, but changes for the following season are allowed with 9 out of 12.

    As for why it is wrong in the on-line version, you would have to speak to the people who posted it.

  3. My goalie proposal (if we replace the current system and 3.75) is as posted a couple days ago

  4. The last posted blog covenant is not current - see rules and prospect sections in particular


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