
The 6 Rule Proposals and Voting

Dear My fellow FUNHL GMs:

So with Weekend over AND 6 Rule Proposals to be voted on, time to go over AGAIN,  when VOTES  are due so I can send out the results both by email AND on the Blog.

In addition, I will give you my opinion as to when each proposal if passed would take effect.

Actually, 9/12 votes would be good for ALL of the Proposals this year, 2017-18  EXCEPT Propospal # 3 - The Omnibus because of the unlimited promotion/demotion clause for prospects, gives some GMs an unfair advantage this year and would change drafting strategy for prospects and thus ALL of the Proposal #3 , except for eliminating WD2 could NOT take effect until next year 2018-19 (i.e. eliminating the WW, IR).  (Rule# 73)

So just in case you only voted for #3., maybe you should give more thought to the proposals 1, 2, 4-6.

More importantly, IT is expected that ALL 12 GMs will vote for all 6 proposals.  I have received 6 votes for each one of the six proposals AND up to 8 for the first 3.

Please Remember Voting ENDS on WEDNESDAY NIGHT.  I leave for Calgary Early Thursday morning so I would like to post the results on the 27th evening before midnight, MST

Either place your vote on the Blog or send it to me at b0bc@yahoo.com.

Comments that advocate a position in the past or current is just that comment; They are not votes.  You can change your vote if you wish as long as I know, or it is the Blog.

Please VOTE Yes or No.  AND AGAIN I  repeat, if you do not vote, that is considered  a NO; as well as if you abstain, that is a NO.

For any  proposal, 9 yes to pass, 4 no to defeat.

My vote  will be on the blog.

Thank Bob

1 comment:

  1. All proposals failed to pass.

    Thank you for participating




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