
Week Two Stats Now With Improved Accuracy!!

Hi all. One of the disadvantages of getting the stats out earlier than ever is that some of the errors in my spreadsheets are not as obvious. I think I have it correct now but there have been a few changes.
I missed a point for a couple of players, which I have now corrected, that have no impact on the standings but I was mistakenly playing 8 defensemen for the Knights Templar for the last two weeks. This has no impact on week one, other than he was 4pts lower than we thought he was, but for week two the loss of two pts does change the outcome of his game with the Severed Heads. The Heads are now credited, correctly, with the win instead of the tie and the Knights remain winless.
I have the week three line-ups all entered now so those should be up soon.


  1. Good catch Doug - just think, if the KT dressed 8 d-men all season they'd actually have a shot at the Predator!! ;-) ;-)

  2. Looks like that game tying goal by the KT is over-ruled by video replay - Heads Win!

  3. Hang the goal judge!

    Hang the goal judge!


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