
Edge Lead For Second Week; Knights Have Huge Sunday; Highlanders Best Week; Barbarians In Last With Worst Week


  1. Seriously, nice night Mike G. I had to check my spreadsheets to figure out how one jumps that much in one, two-game night. It doesn't hurt to have H.Sedin, M.Raymond and R.Kessler breakout against Carolina. Oh, and that Perry guy could prove to be good.

  2. Geez Collin - give the rest of us a chance to take the lead for a moment will ya?

  3. Go Collin and the Edge! Good to see ya atop the leaderboard... for now. Will it last? With the 2 Best FPs one could argue, Kipper and others, maybe, but be wary of standing pat...the last you were in first, I remember, no trades, and many of us passed you...nostalga or a warning?

  4. So...did I get 32 points or 31.50??

    There is a difference between CC amd PC totals.

  5. Hi Mike,

    You actually only had 30. See my note with the revised stats for week 2.


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