
Phaneuf trainwrecks Okposo

That's going to leave a mark.

(Update: Though he lay on the ice for 6 minutes, and was carried off on a stretcher, Okposo only has a mild concussion and called his father during the 2nd period to say he was OK)


  1. I assume Bob's silence means the Shadowmen GM found the hit to be acceptable? ;-)

  2. Looked clean to me, though unfortunate as Okposo pinballs off another flame into the oncoming train. Doesn't look like Dion leaves his feet before the hit... And shame on people in general, who last year criticized Dion for not being the dominating physical presence he had been in years past, and after this, criticize him for not backing up the hit with his fists... Poor guy can't win...

  3. Nic HIT on my P4...but Okposos is ok...Question is whether Cam thinks who is more valuable, Okposo in NYI or Kessel in TO at RW? Straight up...Official,public offer on the Blog!

  4. Kessel in Toronto. Who else is gonna score goals for them? Stempniak?

    In Boston Kessel was lower in the pecking order on a deep team.

    In Toronto they will groom him to be their feature player.

    That said, he'll miss Savard.

  5. Well, if the Shadowmen's psychiatrist says Okposo is okay - then I guess he is. To be honest - not sure which of the 2 I'd rather have.


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