
Week 24 Official Totals - Goalie Stats Manually Calculated For Top and Bottom 3


  1. Bottom three hmmm - only 20 points separate the bottom five...

  2. Apparently we all got zero for the week?

  3. My bad. The sorta-close numbers in the un-official posting have the weekly totals.

  4. Yes Cam, the unofficial totals have the "current" week's total. I do the weekly totals separate from the running total for the season. When I do the manual goalie stats, I do them in the, say for this past week, week 24 column of the year totals which doesn't let me do the week's stats separate from the yearly total.

    Clear as mud, non?

  5. Its sad not being in the top 3... but its sort of fun being a spectator and watching the stress of others in the top 3 and bottom 5


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