
Picture of the Day

(click on picture to enlarge)

once again delivers the goods - in this case a truly awesome old-timers picture of Gordie Howe blasting some poor Bruin into another dimension. I hate the Oilers, but Lowetide is hands down one of the best blogs out there. Well written. Filled with insight. Knowledgeable and respectful of history. All told, its just loaded with pure hockey goodness.

For example, check out the most recent discussion of Robbie Schremp's likely future with the team - and then check out the level of contribution he gets from the commenters - not a foaming at the mouth idiot among them. All blogs should be this well done.

Last but not least, how can you not love a blog that gives good headline like this;

"Oilers sign Eberle, Send him to Hell"

Just awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I thought going to Edmonton or Toronto is liking going to Hell? I'm confused ;-)


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