
NHL Creates Delay In Stats

Hi Guys,

Slaving away on getting the spreadsheet up and running. Things are going well but expect some delays for run of the mill stuff - like entering everyone's line-up (thanks again to Bob for not trading his entire team prior to the start of the season - much appreciated).

One hic-up I was not expecting was that the NHL has, apparently, re-designed their stats package that is sent out to TSN, ESPN, and CBS-Sportsline. They have removed the PIM (and other stats) from the main stats page. This will require me to create a whole new series of stats pages for the spreadsheet devoted to PIM (as I already do for goalie stats). Not difficult in theory, just cumbesome.

I'm hoping that this is just a temporary thing until the North American leg opens up but it looks pretty well established on the NHL.com site so we may be stuck with it.

Anyhow, it may delay me a little longer than I thought but I'll keep you posted.



  1. Do we finally need to create the website www.killbettman.die.die.die
    for continuing the SNAFU the NHL and also the FUNHL?

    I gary b. as a schemer -> tied up to several tubs of gasoline and a lit match...HAHAHA!

  2. bob how did you like mr.mom Gabriel?

  3. He exploded at Cape Verde and thus no longer exists...hehe

  4. If Claire survived why wouldn't Gabriel?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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