
Your Mileage May Vary...

Sure you know that you drafted the best team in the league last Saturday - me too - but that doesn't mean that there isn't some interest in knowing what other interpretations are out there. Its an inexact science to be sure. Of the "Big 3" guides (The Hockey News Guidebook, The Score Sports Forcaster and McKeens), only the Hockey News provides predictions for goaltender GP and GAA allowing for a prediction based on our formula. No guide gives a prediction of PIM. Post-publication injuries to players (Gonchar, Gaborik, Alfredsson, Johnson) or trades (Meszaros) can mess with the value of these predictions. Oh, and they are so often wrong - no, like really wrong.

Still, it can't hurt to look - can it...

The Hockey Pool Guide Book predicts ... the Edge to hoist its first Predator Cup beating the Highlanders by 6pts.

The Score Sports Forcaster predicts ... the Scourge to eke out a 5pt win over the Knights Templar.

While McKeens predicts ... the Personal Vendetta to win in a walk, by 37 pts over the Wolves. Note that McKeens predicted the Vendetta to win it all last season as well.

As for who may have had a rough draft day? Well there is some consistancy there. The Great Whites are predicted to finish 12 by both the Hockey News and the Sports Forcaster and 11th by McKeens while McKeen's gives the Turkey Title to the Lost Boys who finish 11th according to the Hockey News and tied for 11th (along with the Severed Heads) according to the Sports Forcaster. As said in the title, your mileage may vary.


  1. Mileage Doug, mileage :-)

    Distressing to hear the pundits think so poorly of my chances. That being said, any calculation that excludes my FP goalie will look worse for certain.

    Strange though that I should rank so low having utilized those same guides in my preparations, and drafted (I think) generally by those guidelines.

    Of course I also used high picks to secure some toughness, and +/- gambits, neither of which are well reflected in the guides.

    Well, time will tell...

  2. Schpelczecher?! Hoo kneedes ah schpelczecher? :-)

    As for the goalie, my thought as well except that the Hockey News (which gives goalie pts) also has you 12th. Last season, you may recall, a couple of guides had you pegged as a pt or two out of first so perhaps the fates will return the favour this year - low predicted finish followed by high actual finish.

  3. I find your lack of faith confirming. The magazines had no love for the Severed Heads last year.


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