
Major Injuries already...

Most of these are old news but what the heck its slow today...

Sergei Gonchar-D- Penguins
Sep. 24 - 11:18 am et
Pittsburgh doctors continue to wait for Sergei Gonchar's swelling to subside in his shoulder before performing an MRI.
Gonchar's injury is believed to be serious but a time frame for it won't be known until an MRI is done. Stay tuned.

Erik Johnson will be out of action for the next six-nine months with a torn ACL according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Johnson tore the ACL in his right knee during a golf tournament last week. He tried to stop his cart and his right foot got caught between the accelerator and brake. He will have surgery in the next couple of weeks. Johnson will be back in mid-March at the earliest.

Justin Williams
Sep 17
January to March
Latest News:Justin Williams suffered his torn achilles tendon in an off-ice workout on Wednesday. Williams underwent surgery and is still expected to be out for four-to-six months.

Ryan Whitney
Sep 17
Latest News:Ryan Whitney was walking around without crutches as training camp opened in Pittsburgh. The defenseman underwent foot surgery in mid-August that is expected to keep him sidelined until mid-November at the earliest. "I saw the doctor and he said the X-rays look fantastic and the scars are healing nicely," Whitney said. There have been reports that the offensive defenseman could be sidelined until January, although no one really knows at this point.

Sergei Zubov
Sep 19
Mid-October to Mid-November
Latest News:Sergei Zubov watched the Dallas Stars practice on Monday. Zubov is on crutches after undergoing arthroscopic hip surgery on Thursday. He will be re-evaluated in three weeks and could be out another month after that depending on how quickly he recovers. He should return sometime in late October or by mid-November to the Stars lineup

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