
Voting results

After tabulating the results: (Reminder, I stated that in all yes/no votes an obstension counted as a yes). Bob has concurred.

Brian is now a member of the DC committee.

3 Year terms for the DC failed by a vote count of 8 Yes to 4 no. With a little clarification this would probably pass. ie Nobody would be forced to sit on the DC. It is only the term of a volunteered sitting member that rotates.

Droping prospects before the ED failed with 8 no votes

Of the goalie calculation votes. GM's are wanting a change as keeping the status quo received 8 no votes. Also receiving 8 no votes is Dan's new formula, GM voting on the GAA each year, and Mike's proposal of points for wins and shut outs.
Current formula with no negatives (11 no votes) - Fails

The bandwidth proposal for determining baseline GAA received 9 yes votes and 3 no votes. This passes for next year.

So at the end of the season. The total goals scored/total games played will equal X. X will fall into one of the bands and the corresponding GAA will be used for the next season.

The ranking were poorly responded to (five and four) thus inconclusive. This was dissapointing as the each of our opinions on the value of a goaltender is different and is the route cause of much of the past months discussion. This could have solved many issues and provided easier group concensus for the future.

Baseline GAA for this current season is 3.75 as per the DC decision earlier.

Thanks for your participation.


  1. Thanks for tabulating everything Rob.

    When I get a sec, I'll edit the Covanent and send it out. We need to remove Dan as a permanent member of the DC - currently in the rules - and include the new mechanism for calculating the GAA baseline as well as any reference to the DC making that call in the future. I'll do what I can but I don't think I'll be able to have it done by Friday when I drive down.

  2. Time was found and revised Covanent has been sent out.

  3. I think all 12 GMs should swear allegiance to the holy covenant. At least until we make further changes to it next year ;-)


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