
A look at the FuNHL Rules

According to the latest posted rules that I could find, goalie stats are a rule, and need to be voted on by the league GM's.

7. Goaltender points are calculated by multiplying three and one-half (3.5) by the number of games they played for that week, then subtracting the number of goals allowed for the week. The number of games played during a week is calculated by dividing the number of minutes played by the Goaltender by sixty (60). Partial games are included in this calculation, as are minutes played in overtime games.[Note: For simple calculation, a 60 minute shutout is worth 3.5 points.]

53. The Disputes Committee is also responsible for the amendment of these rules via rule proposals or changes to calculated stats such as goal-keeping. The Rules of the Fun-HL are not allowed to change during the course of a season without the agreement of all League GMs.

Last but not least...

As of August 17 2006

Fait accompli changes:- Rule 7 – Edit to change base goaltending calculation from 3.5 to 4.0

Unless I am a total git, the above text tells me that goalie stats are a rule, and we need league approval to change such stat.

Therefore, I find the DC is incorrect in changing the goalie stats system from 4 to 3.75.


  1. Mike - I think its how you 'interpret' #53 but there is further explanation:

    54.1 Rule changes (not including those for calculated stats) can only be voted into effect by a three-quarters majority i.e. 9 out of 12 GMs must be in favour of the Rule Change.

  2. Also, for many years the DC (and prior to that the RC) has decided the stats base and that was the intention of the GMs at the time. IF we need to change wording of the rules to make more clear, I'm all for that.

  3. Hi Mike,

    You are not a git, but you are mis-reading this.

    Rule 7 sets out the formula and sets out that it is a calculated stat. Rule 53 sets out that the DC is responsible for ammending the rules via rule proposals - votes - "OR" changes to calculated stats like the goalie stats. The Aug 2006 "Fait accompli" reference is referring to the DC's last change to the calculated goalie stats from 3.5 to 4.0. You will recall, there was no vote on that change.


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