
Goaltender Stats

Having conferred with the balance of the DC, and reviewed the Covenant rules (in which there is no guideline whatsoever that restricts the goaltender "shutout" changes to be in increments of 0.5 - sorry Cam), please be advised that for the coming season, goalie stats will be calculated as follows:

Points for a goalie = (3.75 minus goals against) x (mins played / 60)

For future guidelines on determination of goalie stats, watch this space for a summary of proposed rule changes. (If someone wishes to propose that the stat be restricted to 0.5 point increments, they may wish to do so...now)



  1. You may have missed this discussion in your travels, but fully half the league felt that moving in increments of less than .5 was beyond the purview of the DC to consider.

  2. Let me add that I am beyond disappointed that a DC comprised of three goaltender FP holding GMs would violate two decades of tradition in how we do goaltender stats merely to pad their own teams chances of success.

  3. Well, my understanding is that Doug and I are goog with 3.75 (we suggested it); then Darrell said he would be okay with 3.75 as a fair stat although he said 3.5/4 would be easier; Bob initially said 3.75 a good idea then changed his mind; Mike and Richard stated they wanted a different rule altogether but I don't recall them being against 3.75 (could be wrong); and Bob said that phone conversation with Collin and someone else (Corey?) indicated they wanted 3.5

    So my count is:

    FOR 3.75: Doug, Brian and I have to assume Dan + Rob as 2/3 of DC needed to be for a change =4

    AGAINST 3.75: Cam, Bob, Collin and xxx (Corey) = 4

    I'M NOT SURE OF OFFICIAL STANCE: Darrell, Mike, Richard, Chris = 4

    Guess if some feel that the DC not allowed to decide on goalie stats baseline then that rule needs to be changed as well...

  4. Bob personally surveyed the field and came up with 6 GMs who opposed the DC using any increment other than .5.

    But more than that I still don't have an answer for why the DC would feel that Goaltenders are sooooo special they should be scored at a significantly higher clip than #1 centers (not centers as a whole, just #1 centers), when using 3.5 puts them in line with the average of the highest scoring position in the league.

    The fact that three GMs with Goalie FPs would decide to effectively give themselves an advantage over the rest of the pool - when fully half the pool doesn't recognize the legitimacy in them doing is beyond appalling.

    Just two years ago when the league met to consider raising the totals to make up for the fact that scoring had gone up slightly, it was pointed out then (by me) that a 3.75 standard made more sense than moving to the full 4.0 - and it was made clear to me then (by the DC) that increments of less than .5 were not in consideration.

    Just last year I pointed out that goalies were overvalued and asked for a 3.5 standard, and failing that a 3.75, and again it was made clear that we don't move in increments less than 3.5, and so they stayed at 4.0 and we lived through a year with two 140 pts goalies, and almost a full 10 100pt goaltenders.

    As it stands there is no statistical, historical or other argument for changing the standard .5 increments without complicity of the league in doing so.

    The standard has always been .5 increments, if the DC wishes to change this standard they should have to do so with the agreement of the league as a whole.

    We GMS have every right to expect that if we turn our backs on what the DC is doing over the summer that the standards we have always held ourselves to will be maintained - and having three (or worse, merely two) GMs decide to move to a different standard to their own benefit, while it may not violate the letter of our laws, it definitely pisses all over the integrity of them.

  5. *sigh*

    I could go into an extensive rebuttal to the frankly insulting prior comments to this post.

    I could pontificate at length about the irrelevancy of the "popular opinion" of the pool on decisions designated as under the purview of the DC (else why bother having a DC?).

    I could point out that the DC was unanimous on this decision if I thought it mattered.

    Suffice it to say that what I find appalling is the suggestion, no scratch that, the matter-of-fact assertion that this decision was based on the self-interest of the GMs currently on the DC to promote "their own success". I take that as a highly personal affront, and I do not have time or energy to waste on being personally attacked by those I would think would know me as an individual well enough to know how asinine such a claim would be.

    Effective immediately (and I never thought the personal infighting in the pool would lead me to such a point) I resign from the DC. If the league wishes to replace me (perhaps with a GM who has no FP goalie, or RFA/prospect goalie, or perhaps one who doesn't plan on drafting a goalie?) and have the new DC revisit this issue, have at 'er.

    I will leave the collating of other proposals, and various voting processes to others, and will continue on as a regular GM in the pool with no other task but managing his own team's interests (since that is what I am allegedly doing already anyway).

    See you all on the 20th...

    Dan, ex of the DC

  6. From a technical legal perspective I believe the DC has a sound case for violating precedent at their whim and proceeding as they wish.

    But it is precisely because the feelings of the members of the pool are NOT IRRELEVANT, because they are in fact THE ONLY THING THAT IS RELEVANT, that the DC should NOT proceed this way.

    The DC is expected to operate by fiat but within expected boundaries - and you have moved outside expected boundaries.

    You may even be right to do so, but just because the DC can bully a new statistical methodology on to the pool does not mean that they should.

    As for you being upset that I ascribe a motive of self-interest to the behaviour of the DC - I can only say that when three GMs with FP goalies take the unprecedented step of ignoring 18 years of history for how goalie stats are done - on patently flimsy statistical grounds - you haven't left me with a lot of other motives to consider.

    In any case, I apologize for any offense I may have caused, as offense is not my intent.

  7. 1) If the only thing relevant is the popular opinion among the pool GMs, why don't we simply disband the DC as unnecessary, and put every issue to popular vote? Well I guess the "new" DC can decide that.

    2) If the new formula were goalie points = save% x games played, plus 2 points for a win achieved two minutes before the end of a game etc etc THAT would be bullying a new statistical methodology in disregard of 18 years of precedent. We are talking about a basic formula unchanged save for one number, which putatively should be 0.25 higher or lower lest it be heresy of the highest order. If you want an example of bullying, read your own posts.

    3) Your postings are unequivocally offensive, up to and including your last which continues to malign character and question motivation. At best a lack of intent makes them thoughtless and callous, and that's putting a nice spin on it. Apology declined.

    In any event, on this topic and anything else DC related, I have nothing more to say, and won't be responding to any more postings. Out.

  8. Cam - I respect you being strongly against 3.75 just like I am strongly against 3.5 But let's not say that there are 5 other GMs who are also strongly against 3.75 because really - not one of them has said so on a blog or email. Bob 'polling GMs' for opinions and they say yup, I like 3.5 better than 3.75 is NOT a strong argument against 3.75. If any of these 5 GMs speak up and support you - then of course I will respect their opinion as well.

  9. New rule proposal:

    1) we elect Cam to the DC

    2) members of the DC can no longer express their opinions on the blog and must simply listen to the 9 other GMs before making decisions

    ;-) ;-)

  10. Cam,
    If you really feel 3.75 is too strong for a goaltender. I will trade you Broduer for either Lecavailler or Datsyuk (who ever you draft first as an FP) straight up.

  11. My responses to things in the order they were posted, first Dan:

    1) If the only thing relevant is the popular opinion among the pool GMs, why don't we simply disband the DC as unnecessary, and put every issue to popular vote? Well I guess the "new" DC can decide that.

    - Agreed. Lets take the decision making on goaltending stats away from the DC.

    2) We are talking about a basic formula unchanged save for one number, which putatively should be 0.25 higher or lower lest it be heresy of the highest order. If you want an example of bullying, read your own posts.

    - And how is it we suddenly decided that .25 increments are now legitimate when previously they weren't? Why not .42 increments? The fact is that the DC's decision in this regard is completely arbitrary, and the league has a right to expect something other than arbitrariness from our DC.

    3) Your postings are unequivocally offensive, up to and including your last which continues to malign character and question motivation.

    - I have not maligned the character of any GM in any postings. In this you are inventing any offense you may be feeling.

    As for motivation, how can it not be questioned when for the first time in history our DC arbitrarily refuses to use the traditional method for reducing goaltender stats and instead invents a new standard - one that just happens to be of benefit to their own FPs? Are we to believe this is simply a coincidence that three GMs decided not to follow tradition and vote themselves a better pointing goaltender?

    The fact is that to overturn tradition you should have a compelling reason to do so (i.e. tradition is clearly broken). But that isn't the case here, and whats more the case for 3.75 (or 3.6 or whatever) is weak at best given that 3.5 puts goalies on the same footing as #1 centers.

    Dan: At best a lack of intent makes them thoughtless and callous, and that's putting a nice spin on it. Apology declined.

    - If you can't face criticism for your radical decisions it is probably best you not hold a political position. As for your decision not to participate, I guess if you can't take the heat...

    Then Brian said: But let's not say that there are 5 other GMs who are also strongly against 3.75 because really - not one of them has said so on a blog or email.

    - I didn't say that 5 other GMs are strongly against it, I said that 5 other GMs indicated to Bob that they were not comfortable with the DC arbitrarily deciding to use a standard other than the one we have used for 18 years.

    Rob said: If you really feel 3.75 is too strong for a goaltender. I will trade you Broduer for either Lecavailler or Datsyuk (who ever you draft first as an FP) straight up.

    - Pass. I am going to hold on to my 1st overall pick and likely take Nabokov now that the DC has ruled he is 120pt goaltender instead of 100. But thanks.

  12. Actually, I used to any decimal place argument earlier as to why I liked the 3.75.


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