
DC Nomination to fill 3rd DC posting

Unfortunately with Dan quite legitimately tendering his resignation as a member of the DC we now search for nominations for a 3rd member. I will nominate Brian, GM of the Bladerunners.

Dan, it was fun working with you and I'm sorry you had to take the brunt of some fierce criticisms.

Cameron, I know you vowed never to be on the DC after you quit the DC after a storm of fierce criticisms (irony?).

Doug, you are the present statskeeper and have a "unofficial" role on the DC as it stands which is why I will not volunteer your name.

If anyone else has nominations, please let Rob and I know either through this post or personally.


  1. I second the nomination of Brian to the DC - thanks for picking up the ball Bob (and Rob)...

  2. I think Brian would be a great pick for the open DC slot.

    I have no interst in the position myself. I already have one 3-year old and don't have the patience to oversee 11 more :-)

  3. While you are at it, you may wish to select a Treasurer to replace me as well, since I will collapse my economic portfolio along with my political...


  4. I think we will also need a new statistician. I indicated in a previous post that I am stepping down as the statskeeper.

  5. I am actively concerned about having Brian on the DC for two reasons, but perhaps he can address them.

    1) Brian, a major issue for you is clearly the suddenly implemented change, right before Chris and I joined the league, that saw Bill resign. How do you see this affecting your judgment as a member of the DC?

    2) What is your opinion on the goalie shut-out value discussion, how do you believe most GMs feel about it, and how will those opinions and feelings affect your decision? (Goalie baseline is almost certainly the first decision you'll be making if you do join the DC.)

    And I nominate Mike for the DC as an alternate candidate.

    And I think Doug should stay on as statskeeper--and am willing to bribe him suitably to do so (but will need prompting as to what you are looking for Doug.)

  6. My nomination from Bob was not at all prompted by me - it was a surprise that this even happened as Bob called me right after Dan resigned. Richard's 2 questions will hopefully clarify my stance IF I join the DC:

    1) My concerns over what happened a few years back really would have nothing to do with my trying to help fairly resolve a dispute between 2 GMs during the season. I do think all my 11 'cohorts' in the pool are good guys and while it was unfortunate that Bill left, its done and over and I think Richard and Chris have been excellent additions to the pool.

    2) I told Bob that I'm not sure the DC should be making decisions about something that the pool in general has a huge concern over. A condition of my even joining the DC would be for the pool in general to decide if/when they are going to honor DC decisions re. a dispute and/or goalie stats. As to what is happening now with goalie discussion - I think the DC of course should consider GM Views and then come up with something fair. I personally thought 3.75 was actually a nice compromise on everything and as a stats geek - the most fair # based on all the different stats I have looked at. Richard - I have read your postings and never interpreted you, Chris or Mike as STRONGLY against 3.75 but more that you were for a new system all together. Anyway, as I said - if this controversial then perhaps the DC should step out.

    In addition, I am also fine with Mike joining the DC and Richard, if you have further concerns then I have no problem, and won't take it personally, with removing myself from consideration.

  7. I for one would gladly accept Brian and/or Mike on the DC.

  8. Now that the last of the original DC has resigned why do we not implement a suggestion of a couple of years ago that the DC is composed of 3 members each serving a staggarded 3 year term so that each year we have one new DC member.

    A previous DC member must have a one year break between 3 year terms.


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