
VERY Unofficial stats

Curiosity getting the better of me...

Based on ESPN-reported stats, here are the numbers for Saturday night for the Leaders, and the standings going into the last day (unofficially):

The Severed Heads

L: Nash-Clb - 0

C: Sundin-Tor - 0

R: Selanne-Ana – 2

D: Schneider-Ana - 0, Kaberle-Tor - 0

TG: Nash - 0

Total Players – 5
Total Points – 2
Total going into last night of play: 1009.27

The Wolves

LW Naslund VAN - 0, Huselius Cal - 1, D Sedin VAN – 0

C Plekanec MON - 1

RW Kovalev RFA MON - 1

D Phanuef Cal P3 - 0, Markov MON - 1

TG Phanuef CAL - 0, Markov Mon - 0

Total Players – 7
Total Points – 4
Total going into last night of play : 1005.63

Gap – 3.64 points

Hold your breath...


  1. FYI for those pundits who like to second guess from afar, had Rob played Phaneuf +/- for the final week, he would be going into the final night of play LEADING by 0.36 pts...

  2. Sure and if I had dressed Drury instead of Sundin I'd have three more points than I do.

    Based on the final week neither Rob nor I deserve coach of the year accolades!


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