
Severed Head Lead Under 4pts; Shadowmen Devestated By 'Nucks Loss - Passed By Edge


  1. quick in day tally gives the Heads the edge - 3pts for Forsberg, 1 for Demitra, 1 for Jagr, 1 for Nash so far plus a surprising period of shutout hockey for Nabokov (1.33pts). On the other side I see +1 for Oduya, 2 GAA on Brodeur, 1 for Campbell.

    Calling this for the Heads at this point.

  2. With only Phx-Ana to play:

    L: Nash-Clb - 0, Demitra-Min - 2
    C: Malkin-Pit- 0, Forsberg-Col - 3
    R: Jagr-NYR FP - 1, Selanne-Ana ?
    D: Gonchar-Pit - 0, Rafalski-Det - 0, Schneider-Ana - ?, Letang-Pit RFA - 0
    G: Nabokov-SJ – 1.33
    TG: Nash - 0
    Total so far: 7.33

    C Datsyuk DET – 0, Briere Phi - 0
    RW Gaborik FP Min - 0
    D Campbell SJ - 1, Timonen PHI - 0, Oduya NJ +1 = 2
    G Brodeur FP NJ - 2
    Total (no more players): 5
    (sadly not enough)

    L – Smyth COL - 0
    C – Tkachuk STL - 2, Thornton SJ - 0
    R – Gionta NJ - 1, Cheechoo SJ - 1
    D – Brewer STL - 1, Niedermeyer ANA ??, Jovanovski PHX ??
    G – Bryzgalov PHX ??
    TG - Jovanovski ?? and Brewer - 0
    So far: 5 pts, more to come?

    LW Cote-PHI TG - 0, Staal-PIT P2 - 0
    C RICHARDS-DAL FP - 0, V.Filppula-C DET (P1) +/- : 0
    RW Shanahan-NYR - 0, Vyborny-CBS - 0
    D Girardi-NYR - 0, Huskins-ANA +/- ??
    TGs: COTE - 0
    So far - Zip! (one player to play)

    Haven't had time to check if Edge likely to pass PV into 6th...

  3. PV:
    LW: Zetterberg-DET (FP) - 0; Michalek-SJS (P3) - 1; Wolski-COL - 0
    C: Stastny-COL (P2) - 2; Turris-PHX(P1) - ??
    RW: Langenbrunner-NJD - 0
    D: Lidstrom-DET (FP) - 0; Staal-NYR (P2) - 0; Murray- SJS - 0
    D: Keith-CHI (RFA) - 0; Martin-NJD (RFA) - 1
    TG: Murray – 1.25

    So far: 5.25pts...about even on the day wit the Edge who trail them by 4.31 pts

  4. So the Edge look to finish at least 7th (barring an ANA Huskins +/- miracle for the Shadow)

    As for catching the PV:
    Current gap: 4.31 + 0.25 = 4.56

    Yet to play for PV:
    C Turris Phx

    Yet to play for Edge:
    D Niedermeyer Ana
    D Jovanovski Phx
    TG Jovanovski Phx
    G Bryzgalov Phx

    Regardless of success or not, the Edge will have come within the last game of the season for a chance to make the top 6...

    Nice job, Collin!

  5. Nice job Collin and Congratulations to Cam.

  6. I had my total as 8.33 with Dan missing an assist from Nash in his totals, but otherwise agree with everything else.

    Thanks to everyone for a great year, and special thanks to Rob, Doug and Brian for making the stretch drive so memorably crazy!

    I now find myself cheering for Anaheim to lose in a shutout by Bryzgalov in the hopes that this along with the five fighting majors Jovo-Cop picks up will be enough to put Collin ahead of Darrell!

    (Sorry Darrell...)

  7. Wow - what a finish!! Congrats to
    Cam and his Severed Heads on winning the Predator and Challenge Cups... not sure yet who won the Omnivore?? Congratulations as well to the Wolves and Highlanders for the battle royale. Does everybody have pretty short nails around now??

    Stink bombs and raspberries to the Knights Templar on "winning" the Herbie running away.... Uggh ;-)

    Collin, I really didn't think there was much chance of the Edge finishing anywhere close to 6th so watching the climb the last several weeks was neat!

  8. Congrats to Cam on the Predator and Challenge Cup wins. Congrats also to the eventual winner of the Omnivore, and condolences (minimal) to the KT on another turkey.

    By my rough numbers I have Collin finishing in 7th, a mere 2.56 pts out of 6th, which is amazing considering the Edge set the target of 6th when they were behind by 60-odd points. Not sure about anyone else's math, but by my reckoning, that's a success any way you cut it, and I hope to see the Edge back to build on their strong finish next year!



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