
Personal Vendetta - Offseason Review

L: Wolski-Col RFA, Penner-Edm RFA, M.Michalek-SJ P3, Torres-Edm P2

Rating: 2.5

Wolski is a blossoming weapon, one that was supposed to threaten for the Calder last year, but was overshadowed by fellow AV rook Stastny. He has all the tools to be a high scoring power winger, and should take another step up this year. Penner will have to repeat his performance from last year to keep his roster spot, but the chance exists he could force his way into the lineup. Michalek has ppg talent, and seemed to form a psychic bond with pivot Marleau - elevating the latter to his two best seasons with his deft playmaking. Reminds me a tonne of Ulf Dahlen in how he vacuums up pucks along the boards and bulls his way into a position to distribute. Lacks a big league shot to compliment the rest of his abilities though. Torres is a torpedo forward best suited to arriving at high speed with ill will and blowing up unsuspecting defenders. Doesn't have elite skill and is injury replacement material at best.

C: Forsberg-UFA FP, Getzlaf-Ana RFA, Weight-StL RFA, Reinprecht-Phx P3, Kesler-Vcr P2

Rating: 3

Other Gms would have let Forsberg go by now, but the PV have had him aboard (save a few weeks he spent with the Shadowmen) since the first FP draft, and are loathe to part with him. When healthy he's an Art Ross candidate. Only problem is that he is never healthy, and is a constant threat to retire or miss significant chunks of the season. Simply put, he's no longer an elite pivot. Getzlaf has massive talent, a large robust build, and a tendency to wig out on the opposition (ala Messier) every once in a while. Leading all Ducks in playoff scoring is a harbinger of good things to come. Virtually the poster-child for #2 centers in the FUNHL. Weight is playing out the string and should have one more campaign of 55-65 pts left in him, but it's not a sure thing. Reinprecht and Kesler are both washouts. Reinprecht because he doesn't have the speed or hands to be a top line pivot, and because he lacks the strength and checking ability to thrive on any other line. Kesler because he has all the tools to be a shadow and none to be a scorer. Both prospects could easily be dumped without making a ripple in the talent pool.

R: Sykora-Pit RFA, Hemsky-Edm RFA, Samuellson-Det RFA, Cammalleri-LA P4

Rating: 4

Sykora had a white hot start to the season but faded as the checking tightened up and as Edmonton gradually deflated as a team. With a new lease on life in Pittsburgh a return to the 40 goal and PPG territory he previously occupied isn't out of the question. Hemsky can run hot or cold, if he's Hot you have a ppg+ skill winger on your hands, but if he's cold he's a disinterested perimeter player who frustrates you with his decision to never shoot the puck. Samuellson is a late-bloomer who will likely revert to a checking role full-time so long as his team-mates are healthy. Cammalleri is the real deal and has assumed the role of the teams top right winger . A pint sized road-runner with speed and puck-handling skills to burn, he's the latest in a line of smallish skill wingers enjoying the fruits of the interference crack-down.

D: Lidstrom-Det FP, Spacek-Buf RFA, Numminen-Buf RFA, Martin-NJ, Bourdon-Vcr P2, Smid-Edm P2, M.Staal-NYR P2

Rating: 2.5

Lidstrom is still the man, and shows no signs of slowing down. Spacek was something of a bust in Buffalo and will be in tough to keep his job with the PV. Numminen is apparently age-less and still capable of putting up a .5 ppg pace for a full season. Martin has been a slow burn in NJ, but he has the all-round skills to be a Wade Redden type if he has finally reached ignition. Bourdon is a big mobile all-purpose defender who can kill penalties and work the powerplay. Has an accurate shot, but it likely isn't the cannon that was hoped for. Smid has apparently stalled his career out in Edmonton. Can he be a real NHL player? Maybe. Staal went back to the minors and delivered the goods. He's now with the Rangers to stay and it won't be more than a year or two before he locks down one of the top two spots on the teams D.

G: Huet-Mtl RFA, Harding-Min P2

Rating: 1.5

Huet is a one-hit wonder who has returned to being the career back-up he was prior to the fluke end of season he had a year ago. Harding was injury insurance against Fernandez but is no longer needed, nor likely to ever be a starter.

Overall rating: 13.5

1 comment:

  1. Josh Harding is a rookie man! How the heck do you know he will never be a starter?


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