
The Lost Boys - Offseason Review

L: Kovalchuk-Atl FP, Brunette-Col RFA, Kotalik-Buf RFA, Rucinsky-StL RFA, Mikhonov-Edm P2

Rating: 3.5

Kovalchuk likes to score goals. Lots and lots of goals. 55+ red-lights and 100+ pts is not out of reach. Brunette had his best year ever as the designated parasite goal-suck for the Av's powerplay. Simply no chance he'll repeat those numbers, but a solid season of #2 caliber stats is still likely. Kotalik is an intriguing 4th line option as he has one decent half season under his belt, and is on a team suddenly short of offensive forwards. Kotalik could emerge to be a productive player. Rucinsky is playing out the string until injuries end his career permanently. Mikhonov is also interesting as he possesses 'fear my wingspan' in abundance, and owns a nasty shot. His skating speed is sub-par though, and that could mean back to Europe for him.

C: Richards-TBay FP, Brind'Amour-Car RFA, S.Koivu-Mtl RFA, M. Koivu-Min P3, Bourque-Wsh P3, Vermette-Ott P2

Rating: 3.5

Richards finally had an off-year after having steadily improved his stats for half a decade. He's still an above a ppg player, but as a playmaker he lacks a sniper to fully compliment his abilities. Should rebound back into the 90pt range. Brind'Amour had 82 points last year to lead his team in scoring, and which was his best season in what seems like forever. However, the lord of darkness will be returning Rod-the-Bod's soul to him and we should expect something more like a hard fought 65pts to go with another Selke nomination. Koivu is a quality third line pivot in the FUNHL capable of producing 70-80 pts if he can stay healthy. A very big if. Mikko Koivu reminds me a little of Ollie Jokinen, a big strapping power pivot with underrated skills. Is being groomed slowly for the 2nd line centre job, but should show gradual improvement. Bourque is a fireplug pivot with strong distributions skills, and he works the point on the PP just like his Dad. Unfortunately, he's just 5'9" and unlike other waterbug forwards he doesn't have elite wheels. Vermette in contrast has elite wheels but can't seem to develop a finishing touch or playmaking dimension. Will be turned into a Paul Ranheim style checking forward if he doesn't flash better offense soon.

R: Langenbrunner-NJ RFA, Walker-Car RFA, Jason Williams-Chi RFA, A.Carter-UFA RFA, Fehr-Wsh P

Rating: 1

Only Erik Fehr offers the team any hope of significant contributions, and for Fehr that will be in the years still to come rather than this season. Don't expect any of these guys to actually make the Lost Boys roster, but if one by chance actually does, I'd expect it could be Scott Walker for his PIM contributions.

D: Hamrlik-Mtl RFA, Z.Michalek-Phx, Nummelin-Min RFA, Morris-Phx RFA, Vishnevski-Dal P2, Wishart-SJ P2

Rating: 2

Hamrlik should be a decent powerplay compliment in Montreal where his shot will be expected to replace that of Souray on the PP. Michalek shocked everyone by making the Coyotes blue-line and then thriving as an all-round rearguard. Could be the next Teppo Numminen. Nummelin was supposed to bring offense to the Wild powerplay, but he didn't bring the stats he was expected to. Could be on very thin ice. Morris still hasn't found the extra gear of speed, nor an extra two inches in height that keep him from the next level. If he gets 40 pts it will be a miracle, but he is still a capable 5-6 guy. Vishnevski will be groomed by both Zubov and Dallas to be the teams PP of the future, but he is still a couple years away from real production. Wishart is a full-pkg defenseman, but because he lacks a high-end skating ability may be streamed into more of a defense first defender ala Chris Phillips. If so, he'll never be a full-time player for the Lost Boys. That said, he does have a little Shea Weber in him, so perhaps the team won't shut him down completely. Juries still out. All in all, the Lost Boys boast a solid middle section of defenders (Hamrlik, Michalek, Morris) but lack anyone at the high end, and have Vishnevski coming up the pipe.

G: Nabokov-SJ RFA, Toskala-Tor RFA, Gerber-Ott P4, Rask-Bos P2

Rating: 4

Nabokov is a solid #1 that the Lost Boys will likely have to match with a pick in the first four or five rounds. Toskala is a wild card in Toronto, but will be a capable backup as he is likely to get the majority of starts. Gerber is done, and if he hasn't signed somewhere in Europe already it's only a matter of time. Rask is the goalie of the future, but his future is still two years away.

Overall rating: 14

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