
The Highlanders - Offseason Review

L: Olesz-Fla P3

Rating: 1

Olesz is still best remembered as the guy on the wrong end of this. That said, he's got some decent skills, and he could take a step up in Florida to entrench himself on one of the top lines, but I think he's got Euro-league written all over him.

C: Thornton-SJ FP, Crosby-Pit P4, Mueller-Phx P2

Rating: 5

Most poolies will have Crosby and Thornton finishing 1-2 in scoring in their predictions. Here's hoping most poolies are wrong. Joe Thornton is Adam Oates in an Eric Lindros body. A hulking pivot with above average speed, and way above average playmaking ability. Crosby is the second coming of Pat Lafontaine, minus the injuries. Mueller is perhaps the best Coyote prospect at centre since Alexei Zhamnov was picked by the Jets. He has a high skill level, an NHL frame, and a gaping hole in the roster to jump into. All of which mean he could threaten for the Calder. With such a sick set of pivots, it's unlikely the Highlanders will be tempted by another centreman for the 2nd pick overall, so expect a goaltender (Kipper) to be their top choice.

R: Hudler-Det P4

Rating: 1

One of those player in the Detroit system that seem to be eternally a prospect (see also: Grigorenko and Kronwall), Hudler is way on the small side for an NHL forward, and has yet to demonstrate enough skill to compensate for his short comings. Could also be ticketed for the Euro-leagues if he doesn't make it this year.

D: Pronger-Ana FP, Souray-Edm RFA

Rating: 2.5

With Pronger's triple threat game (pts, PIM, +/-, though of late, he's all but lost the +/- dimension) and Souray's double threat (pts, PIM) - which was good enough to lead the FUNHL for defenseman scoring, the Highlanders have their top end of the defense covered, and will be tough to field a below average group given how superior the top pair are. Worth noting that Pronger will be trade bait this year (because Crosby will be the teams no-surprise selection as an FP next year), and that Souray could be poached away from the team if a bid comes in early enough.

G: Di Pietro-NYI P4

Rating: 2

Handles the puck like Brodeur, but stops pucks like Andre Racicot.

Total Rating: 11.5

The team has the best set of pivots in the league, and the beginning of a solid defense corps, but having glaring needs at both wing positions and in goal. An early pick (Kipper) will fix the goaltending, but expect the Highlanders to be 'team helicopter' in the early going.


  1. Not sure if Doug needs wingers or a goalie with the top 2 centers he has!

  2. Again Cam, missed out on Griegorenko on LW.

  3. Ya, especially as Grigorenko should bring up your left wing rating from 1 to say... 1.5? Although that might be pushing it ;-)

  4. Team rosters on September 1st are not as significant, IMHO, as team rosters on October 1st - not to mention March 1st.

    If Grigorenko is dressing come March 1st - then my LW will really be only a 1-1.5 or he's the real deal and the ranking will be much more.

  5. Agreeed. Just bugging ya ;-)


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