
Draft Day

Hi all,

As I understand it, the Draft is being held at Collin's, but Colleen will have her hands full with Tiana, and won't be tending to the rest of us kids. I have an option available to have someone cater breakfast and/or lunch, but I'm not sure if that's what everyone wants - Should I inquire further, get a sense of cost, etc? One meal, or two, and if one, which one? Thanks!



  1. Sounds good Dan...I think just one meal is fine (i.e. brunch/lunch) just to keep it simple and more cost effective. I think we paid either $15 or $20 last year, which included coffee, so that's fine with me.

  2. I'm in for 'Brunch' too I guess.

    Just about anything will do so long as it isn't Pizza.

    And it has to have bacon.

    And Tim's coffee (I can get that myself).

    But for sure it must have bacon.

    The cost seems to be in-line to me, but it is a shame we can't make use of Colleen's supreme talents.

    Having her excellent catering was one tradition that I was overjoyed with!

  3. I too will miss the tradition of Colleen's catering but completely understand the reasoning behind the change.

    Count me in whatever we decide to do.

  4. What has bacon but isn't pizza? (Yes Lisa, some wonderful, marvellous animal.)

    I guess subs are a reasonable way to go if we're ordering out, but this would actually be someone bringing food in, right?

    I would say for $20 I would expect to be kept reasonably well fed over the course of 6-7 hours.

    That includes tax and tip though, so I guess it's lower in Alberta dollars. (Or do you pay people more, what with the over-heated employment rate. Confusing economics... :-)

    I vote $20, that's easier to make change on.

  5. I'm in for brunch as well. And I think $15-20 is good as long as it includes drinks/coffee. Where ever you wish to hold the draft we must consider the number of lap tops that will be there, and internet connections for Rob on MSN. I think last year we had roughly 7 lap tops at the draft and that needs to be considered. To echo Cam, no pizza please.

  6. Where will we do 'Poker After the draft'?

    The other question is, have we decided on a tie formula for the challenge cup? ie. two teams that are 2 points apart...one gets a OTL with 1 point, and the other gets a win with 2 points (as an example).

  7. How close is subway to his house? There seems to be one on every corner and we could just do a brief lunch break which would be ok if we say start on time :)


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