
Save the Predators! (For Hamilton!)

It seems at least one fan in Nashville thinks they can save the team. Personally, I think he's deluded in the extreme. Without new ownership, the team couldn't afford to sign Timmonen or Hartnell (both now gone), and definitely won't re-sign Forsberg or Kariya.

Worse, the case that the lockout season somehow 'doesn't count' towards determining whether or not the team reached 14,000 in season ticket sales is not just wrong it's completely bogus.

The Predators have five straight seasons of not hitting that attendance mark - let's repeat that, five straight seasons. One more will only seal the deal completely.

So with all apologies to the Predator superfan and his website (and seriously buddy, do something about that colour scheme - my eyes are freaking hemorrhaging after one visit), this team is done like dinner in the Nashville market. It's OVER.

The only problem? While it makes sense to burn it to the ground in order to get out from under the costs associated with a losing proposition in Nashville, the team has to be careful it doesn't destroy the team completely, or else Hamilton will be faced with what amounts to an expansion team.

That said, they'd still be better than the Leafs!

Here are some articles discussing the fate of the Predators:

James Mirtle

1 comment:

  1. OMG There should be a large disclaimer before entering that site. I've been inflicted with a nasty case of vertigo \ dry heaves from visiting that site.


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