
FUNHL Lottery Results

Another year of unfortunate circumstances has the FUNHL unable to get together for a celebratory party and the awards ceremony with its drunken bachanalia will have to wait for another day - however an on-line gathering to determine the lottery has occurred and the results are in!

The draft order for 2007-08 is as follows:

1 - Knights Templar
2 - Highlanders
3 - Bladerunners
4 - Edge
5 - Personal Vendetta
6 - Shadowmen
7 - Ramapithicines
8 - Lost Boys
9 - Scourge
10 - Wolves
11 - Severed Heads
12 - Great Whites

Note: The Knights Templar and Ramapithicines were unable to be reached for the selection choices, and both were awarded the highest possible slot available when their names were drawn. In the case of the KT, that just happened to be first overall.

Note 2: A slightly modified version of the 'Royal Crown Bag of Fate' was used in the process this year, and while the original process was missed (especially the pre-marked 'poker chips of doom') , it was in the end, not missed all that much.

Note 3: I'd like to thank the GMs of; the Edge, Great Whites, Shadowmen, Scourge, and Personal Vendetta for helping to pull of the lottery on-line. Thanks to you all.


  1. Well there goes the dreams of replacing an FP this year... Anyone with a high pick wanna trade me an FP?

  2. Another year not having a top 3 pick. My last pick in the top 3 was 97/98 when I picked 2nd. I think my highest lottery selection was 5th when I choose to pick 11th.

  3. Unfortunately Rob, that is a combination of fate/probability and team performance which determines lottery weighting. Finish higher more often, buddy!

  4. I would also like to thank BOB who had the sense not to listen to Cam and phone me at 12:15am waking Caroline and myself as well as my visiting parents.

  5. I actually have no problem with the weighted lottery system outside of the fact that last gets so many more picks than 11th.

    I know my fate is more luck and sometimes very few selections but it would be nice to beat the odds sometimes. I believe Mike has done it two years in a row. Jumped up to pick third last year and first this year.

  6. I have had a top 3 pick twice. I picked 2nd during the lock out year by poaching Luongo as a new FP, unmatched by Cam. The second time was making Kariya the 2nd FP in funhl history. I have never picked first or third. I've picked 4th, 2x, long ago...But that's probability


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