
"Ties" for the Challenge Cup

Perhaps we should add ties or rather OTLs to the Challenge Cup contests

eg 1A tie only occurs with a mathmatical tie between to teams at the end of one week of play, each team receives 1 point each.
eg 2An OT is declared when there is a 3 point difference between two teams and a Win to the mathematical winner, for 2 points and the other team gets an OTL receives 1 point.

This would have the FUNHL and NHL have similar models.

That would be a Rule Proposal for the Challenge Cup.


  1. I'd back those changes. The two-points-or-nothing dynamic at the moment is rather harsh when you lose a close game.

    I'd also like to open the possibility of playing more than one team each week, maybe 3? That way having a really good week isn't wasted.


  2. The question of ties is an intereting one that is raised every season - and is almost always forgotten in the offseason when we do the rule proposals.

    The question is how do we determine a tie. (So far we have only give out ties, on a couple of occaisions, when teams are exactly tied). Within one pt? Within some other amount (2pts, 5pts)?

    Do we go to a system of "loser pts" like the NHL has adopted?

    All good questions and each with a different ramification.

    As for the notion of having more than one game in a week, I would be opposed. I have thought of doing it and certainly it could be done but I think the notion of playing one other team in a given week is part of the fun of the Challenge Cup. The idea that a really good week is somehow wasted is wrong. Your really good week is noted in your win in the Challenge Cup but more permanently by the boost you get in the Predator Cup. The difference between Brian and I in the Predator Cup/Challenge Cup is telling. I almost didn't make the playoffs because while I have had big weeks, I have also had poor ones. Brian, even though he isn't leading the pool (though only barely) has consistantly been one of the best teams week after week, which is why he clinched a Challenge Cup playoff spot a while ago.

  3. I would love to see 3 points for a win if more than 5 points. 2 points for a win if less than 5 points and 1 point for a loss of less than 5 points.

    Dan is the best example of challenge cup weirdness. He has been in the top 3 all season but is less than 500 in the challenge cup.

  4. It is peculiar - one of the anomalies of having good weeks at all the wrong times. That being said, if the Challenge Cup were a mirror to the Predator race, what would be the point of a separate trophy?

    More on this later when I have time ;-)

  5. if anyone has some extra time on their hands i would be curious to see what the difference would be on this years standings.


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