
Covenant changes for next year

Since Chris seems to have declared the bar open for rules changes we'd like to see implemented.

My suggestion:

Can we have an official roster keeper, who tracks "for the record" who drafts whom, and who is traded when, and then circulates it on something like a weekly basis. Brian's good enough to pass around his version whenever I give a squeak, but it seems like something the league could use in general as an official thing. Kind of like the way week to week stats are done now by Darryl and Doug.

I'd wouldn't be opposed to offering compensation for this in the form of something like two extra ballots in the entry draft lottery for service to the league.

On that note, is there any reward for the stats jobs Doug and Darryl do? Should there be?



  1. Darrell as official stats-keeper does not pay the entry fee.

    Brian volunteers his time with his master spreadsheet

    Doug is volunteering his time with unofficial stats as he does not use nhl.com as his source

  2. I'm glad to hear there is compensation of a form for Darrell, since he really does do a bang-up job.

    And, I have been using Brian like a crutch whenever I got too confused about who had whom and what. My suggestion was more to just make Brian's spreadsheet more of an official thing, and thus compensate the "roster-keeper" for their efforts.

    I believe there have been instances at both WDs where who had been drafted was a matter of question. Putting someone in charge of the spreadsheet would make that an easy question to answer. Similarly there was some weirdness related to the omnivore, that the official spreadsheet would be useful for.

    Finally, getting an official spreadsheet once a week, for me, would make conducting trades easier, because I wouldn't go pursuing a goalie that had been traded away two weeks ago.

    I don't think keeping and circulating a spreadsheet is as much work as doing the stats, so something like adding an extra two ballots to the entry draft hat strikes me as fair, and not terribly disruptive to the over-all odds. (And easy enough to correct at the end of the season if the record-keepers performance needed review)

    It's also a duty that could circulate... though I'm not interested in the position.



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