
Ramapithicines Jump Up The Standings

Hi everyone,

With Darrell releasing the official Week 14 stats, there is one major change to the Challenge Cup standings. The Highlanders ended up winning their tight match with the Lost Boys and, as a result, are now in the playoffs while the Wolves drop out.

The Ramapithicines have made the most, relative, noise so far this week jumping up into 5th place in the Predator Cup standings. The Bladerunners continue to hold a slight lead over the Highlanders. While the Highlanders are having the second best week so far, they are losing in their head to head match with the team having the best week thus far - the Scourge.

After Wednesday night's games the unofficial standings are as follows (corrected twice today, once from Brian checking his stats and again thanks to Bob noting his numbers were off - thanks to both of you for checking):


  1. "Think Positive" Omnivore score:

    BLA: 69.39
    SHA: 68.11
    HIL: 44.36
    SEV: 37.01
    RAM: 25.98
    GRW: 20.85
    LOB: 14.80
    SCO: 13.60
    KNT: 04.84
    WOL: 02.50
    PEV: 02.15
    EDG: 00.00

    Doesn't that look better?

    Also, Doug, what 6 points did you over calculate for Chris, and how did I lose a point last night? Detroit didn't play.


  2. Actually Richard you lost the point last week, Darrell's official stats for Week 14 were just corrected as of this week - more than the point, you ended up losing our Challenge Cup match.

    As for Chris, I had Chris playing T.Preissing playing for pts (he got 5 last week) AND for +/- (he went +1) when he was actually only played +/-. That was 5pts. I think I said the difference was 6pts but in fact the difference between Darrell's official stats and my unofficial ones was actually 5.07pts (more goaltending rounding differences between CBSsportsline and the actually NHL stats).

    Hope that clears it up.

  3. I don't get it.

    How did my points go from "12.15" for week 15 to "11.15" for week 15 because Darrell corrected that stats for week 14?


  4. Hi Richard,

    I didn't understand that that was what you meant. Sounds like a different problem.

    I don't know where the change occured since I made no changes to your sheet yesterday, though I suspect that it may have just been a correction in the CBSsportsline stats which does happen, even for Darrell's official stats, on occaision.

    I'm about to post the latest update, let me know if your totals match mine.



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