
Highlanders, Shadowmen displace Bladerunners

While much of the responsibility lies with Bladerunner d-man Brian Campbell and his -3 performance last night, the beneficiaries of the Bladerunners' misfortune was the Highlanders, who regained top spot in the Predator Cup race, and the Shadowmen, who reclaimed the lead in the Omnivore standings.

The story of the week, however, probably belongs to the two league rookies as both the Scourge and Lost Boys are currently having the two best totals this week.

Notables: The Lost Boys join the 500pt club following last night's play. The Wolves leapfrog the Ramapithicines into 5th place in the Predator Cup.

Challenge Cup games of the week: The Severed Heads hold a fractional point lead on the Edge while the Great Whites are in tough against the Knights Templar.

Here are the unofficial stats, if you have any questions about line-ups and points don't hesitate to ask:


  1. I shamelessly report, in follow up to our previous conversation, that I do not in fact trace my own stats, but follow yours religiously Doug.

    I check scores to see how my guys did, so have a rough idea of where I should be (e.g. Phoenix scoring all of one point against Hasek, and me getting 2 points off it... that I knew).

    But, you do a pretty bang up and reliable job. And, as is evidenced by my geekery in here, I'm more interested in the numbers than any claim to "accuracy" anyway.

  2. No problem Richard, nice to know someone is following this.

    Here is what I have you at this week (as of Thursday night):
    Kovalchuk 0, Smyth 1, Brunette 2, Brind'Amour 4!, Arnason 1, Getzlaf 1, Walker 3, O'Neil 3, Knuble 0, Jovanovski 3, Michalek 0, Hamrlik 1, Boucher 1+4.75tg, Phillips 2, Klesla 0+1tg, Hasek 4.42 for a total of 32.17pts.

    Geek away.

    Hmmm, your right wing seems to need a hand - and I have an extra RWer and need some depth defense help...we should talk.


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