

Well, in all respects, my team is doing quite well... other than that omnivore cup, where I'm pulling up 12th. Now, I know we discussed previously that you could expect to lose points just due to not being psychic... but this is ridiculous!

I'm missing a full 10% of my potential points! I feel like a sure sucker for the "For-the-love-of-God-stop-trading" award. Are all my now traded Ds really that good? I can't imagine where else I'm losing points... but I'm happily bleeding them away.

Is the WD going to clean this up. As Cam and I have mentioned, it threatens to be devastating to whoever it was who nailed ZBerg at the ED. (Provided 4 points in a night is the start of a trend.)

Well, I can take consolation that there's only one team who's beating me on the combination of omnivore, and pred races, and I'm not that far behind (That is, the Personal Vendetta start at a lower baseline, but have a higher over all point value). Still, I can't help but be nagged by the issue of what does it mean if I finish 6th, and still get last on the omnivore?


PS- Cam, I've elminated the Lost Boys Blog, so you may want to remove it as a link

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