
FUNHL News and Notes: Post WD1

Vincent Lecavalier expresses his gratitude at joining the Severed Heads by blowing up for 3 goals and 2 assists. Newly returned from injury, linemate Martin Havlat also expressed his enjoyment at playing for the team as he 5 points in his first two games. Welcome aboard fellas.

Interestingly, Zetterberg's arrival on the Scourge was greeted with similar enthusiasm, as he erupted for a four point evening. Which I believe brings his total on the season to...something close to four.


Speaking of the Scourge, their FUNHL logo absolutely freakin' RULES.

"Dude, I totally scored Scourge tickets for tonight, but first, I'm gonna kill me some Dwarves."

And while I'm on the topic of FUNHL logos, ponder this, the Great Whites logo features a shark, which is neither White nor Great.

"See, look at me. Not Teal. Not a Tiger Shark. I'm just saying."

Todd Bertuzzi's announcement that he'll miss another 4-8 weeks recovering from his back injury came a mere 12 hours too late to help the Ramapithicines GM decide whether to protect him or not. He should be back just about the time we need to make our cuts for WD2. Nice.

Daniel Alfredsson has entered 'day to day hell' with a hip injury. I don't reccomend viewing the replay - ankles aren't supposed to turn in that direction.

Ovechkin's hit on Briere was clearly from behind and deliberately intended to injure - in all it was the definition of a cheap shot. He should sit between two-five games for it.

I notice that the Sabres have gone back to their 'guess which line will score big tonight' team concept. Good. It was getting tough to see Drury, Briere and Afinogenov score like real 1st line players. Now that the offense is back to a committee (Paul Gaustad!), with more or less 4 even lines being rolled and two discrete pp units, the edge to Sabre holding GMs should blunt moving forward.

I say this as someone who thinks the Canucks are heading in the right direction, but Luongo is going to meltdown and cost the team games soon. He's been left helpless out there many nights, and there is no firepower in front of him to win games when he isn't perfect. The strain is starting to show (see: Calgary's recent 4 goal blitz on him).

Speaking of 'Couver, Naz could be gone as the attempted to solution to their problems. He's got immense talent, a reasonable contract for a star, and he'll bring several pieces in return. Few other Canucks (outside the WonderTwins) can have that about them.

So I no sooner call out the Bluejackets for hiring Hitchock and how it will wreck Rick Nash's offense, and they immediately go on a tear, with one of the bigger guns in their sudden barrage being no other than Rick Nash. It might be too soon to capitulate but it sure looks like I may have to eat my words on that prediction.

Sundin's back, but the Leafs still suck. Anyone left cheering for that huge deal signed by Hal Gill? Anyone? How are those Raycroft jersey sales coming along? Peachy.

Big winners at the WD1? Not many. Chris definitely improved his team, as did several teams, but on the whole I think the draft favoured those who made deep defense cuts rather than wing or pivot cuts. The forwards were gone early (and by teams that didn't ostensibly need them - Zetterberg, Arnott and Boyes for example all went to teams that weren't looking for that position by virtue of their cuts), leaving the d-men to be taken in later rounds.

The big loser was everyone who sat through the mind numbingly long rounds 5-6. They were interminable.

BTW - Richard's prep analysis of the WD was both original and interesting. Kudos.

Last but not least, I LOVE the mega-logo thing that features all the FUNHL teams. Can we petition Dan to make that part of the FUNHL websites logo? Who's with me?


  1. Here you go - hope it works on everyone's browser...

  2. Hmmm, maybe it's just me, but can we ditch the top bar and spread the logos out more? Maybe run the league's logo instead of type?

    Does look wicked though


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