
Malkin, Montreal and the Cap

1) Rumour is now fact...Kessel will try out with the Bruins and walked from college

2) Owen Nolan is back from the dead signing for a million +/yr in phoenix

3) Jason Allison is pushinghis wares on victims like ATL or NYI both whoneed a PP QB

But 4)

The rumour is in the title

Because of future cap issues [Pens] and current [Habs], the following trade is all over the hockey buzz...
MTL sends Riberio, Ryder, Aebischer, Souray, Chipchurra and and 1st in 2007 for Malkin.
The trade would open room for MTL to sign JP Dumont longterm and Malkin while giving the PENS some depth to playoff competitive today

If that's a true offer...is it food for thought?
Imagine what kind of trade made mike milburry would do...

1 comment:

  1. I am very skeptical that the Pens would trade Malkin away - even for a huge package. They have time and they will want to let their young talent grow together.


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