
FUNHL Offseason Review - Notes

So the final tally on my review is as follows;

1. Great Whites - 19.5
2. Wolves - 17
3. Highlanders - 15.5
4. Bladerunners - 15
5. Severed Heads - 14
5. Knights Templar - 14
7. Ramapithicines - 13.5
8. Lost Boys - 13
8. Dogs - 13
10. Personal Vendetta - 11
11. The Edge - 10.5
12. Shadowmen - 7


- Without question the Personal Vendetta and Wolves will be gunning for left wingers early. The Heads and Edge will target goaltending (Kipper!), and the Shadowmen need just about everything.

- The PV and Wolves were my also my biggest surprises, the PV for clocking in with a low (for them) score of 11, and the Wolves for stepping up with the 2nd best score of 17.

- The Shadowmen are definitely in need of a serious restocking (what else is new). Two FPs, an RFA and a prospect. There are teams with more P2s than the Shadowmen have players.

- Despite the advantages these scores represent in terms of assets prior to the ED, the ED will still change things. It won't make the Great White's significantly better, but the Shadowmen won't be sitting with a score of '7' after all is said and done.

1 comment:

  1. Other factors that will change your rankings include the position changes in the Bible (for example you rightly have D.Heatley on LW but still have M.Bell at C) and the oversight of players already on the roster (as you did with J.Carter p2 RW, again harping on a Highlander example).

    Still, the real predictions need to be made post-ED.


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