
With Only Sunday Night To Go: Scourge Break 1000pts; 5 Games Remain To Determine Herbivore


Moriarty said...

Well, 1 day left and 3 teams to battle for last...end of day, we'll see who gets yet another Herbivore.


BUT Carolina choked and Corey did not in the end, nor the NYR...

Mike said...

I'm going to kick myself if Sharp gets another point tonight and things finish as is!!!!

Moriarty said...

Well Mike, DET will hopefully blank CHI to let DAL win sneak into playoffs...

Moriarty said...

Will the Templar hit 1000pts on their baseline?

Red Five said...

So what players do each of the three teams in competition for Herby have in games today?

Scourge said...

What is the record for positive and negative omnivore totals? As Pierre would say "mikes baseline us a monster"

Templar said...

According to the baseline, I should never make a trade again.

I think there needs to be some adjustments made to the way the Omnivore is calculated.

Moriarty said...

LOL, Mike of the Templar...

Regardless of the Omnivore stats, Had you not made trades, you'd end up last for certain!

As for Omnivore revisions to calculation and baseline - I had the 2nd highest baseline after you...ODD.

Certainly, something to ponder in the off-season