
The Wolves

The Wolves

L: Drouin-TBay FP, D.Sedin-Vcr, vanRiemsdyk-Tor, Prust-Mtl RFA

Rating: 3

Unfortunately, Drouin just isn't an elite anything as of yet. Currently mired on TBays 4th line, he's got no chance of being productive until he makes a bigger jump. That said, having D.Sedin around mitigates the damage of carrying a weak FP at LW, Sedin is a total stud (and future HOFr) and slots easily into the #1 role. vanRiemsdyk comfortably slots into the #2 role, giving the team an average set of LWs all things considered. Prust is a face-puncher only, but if Drouin struggles expect him to draw in.

C: Couture-SJ, Stastny-StL, Kesler-Ana RFA, Zibenejad-Ott RFA, Horvat-Vcr P2, Bennett-Cgy P1

Rating: 3

Whether by design or accident, the Wolves managed to build a pretty decent centre-ice corps without an FP in the role. Couture is a solid, if below average #1C. Stastny would have been in the same range, but with less solidity due to injury prone-ness. Kesler is the third of the 'above average average' C's, and compliments his offense with some secondary PIMs. Zibenejad is still being groomed for bigger things, but the clock is likely to run out on his contract before he can contribute. Horvat is a future 2way pivot, but the ceiling on his offense doesn't appear to be very high. Bennett though, has the tool kit to be an All-Star at C for the Flames. Sadly, a shoulder injury (that he had played through for more than a year) will keep him on the shelf for the next 6 months or so. He'll make the Flames out of camp next year, and eventually take over as the teams #1 C.

R: Eberle-Edm, Tarasenko-StL, Smith-Nsh RFA, Doan-Arz RFA, Silverberg-Ana P3, Colberg-NYI P1

Rating: 3.5

Eberle is a decent player on a horrible team, and the Wolves are likely praying that Eberle is the first off of the sinking ship that is the Oilers. Tarasenko is finally flexing the offensive muscles, and is tearing it up. He could be making the leap to FP quality scoring forward. Smith's game is as non-descript as his last name, but he has enugh offense for the Preds that he makes a fine 3rd liner. Doan is playing out the string now, but he could step in for a swan song season where he produces just enough PIMs and points to remain relevant. Sifverberg has struggled to move his game up to the next level in Anaheim, but he has a skillset that Anaheim could definitely use. Time is running out on him now. Colberg I dealt with in my prospect review, but suffice it to say I don't see him contributing now, or in the future.

D: Carlson-Wsh, Barrie-Col, Bieksa-Vcr RFA, Jones-Nsh P3, Schultz-Edm P3, McQuaid-Bos RFA, Hamilton-Bos RFA, B.Smith-Det P1, Doherty-SJ P1

Rating: 2

Carlson and Barrie are not 1st line quality defenders, but they are decent enough. Bieksa needs to be used as a TG to maximize his benefit, and even then shouldn't be in your top 4. Jones is an absolute beast, and mught already be the teams top blueliner. Schultz has not only not shown much progression, he appears to have gotten worse year over year. Lots of skill, he may need a change of scenery. McQuaid is giant face-puncher with unrepeatable +/- stats in his past. Hamilton is only just scratching the surface of his talents, and with the injuries ahead of him on Boston's roster he'll get a chance to gouge deep. Brendan Smith is the perpetual 'he could break out at any time' offensive defenseman, with the oly problem being he has already given us a five year wait to do so. Doherty is meatbomb with little to no upside.

G: Rask-Bos FP, Hilller-Cgy RFA

Rating: 4.5

Rask is the elite of the elite, and Hiller is (so far) a well above average backup.

Total:  16

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