

Finally we have a real trade deadline with actual real hockey deals.  

Luongo finally dealt...
Miller dealt...

Gabrorik to LA ?
St Louis to NYR?
Kesler to Ana or Pitt?

etc...etc...   wish i took the day off to enjoy this.


  1. Luongo - Ok so he's back in Florida, but what do the Canucks go with in the playoffs in goal? Markstrom?? Seems drastic to go from Luongo and Schneider to just Markstrom and Lack?

    St Louis goes to NYR for the disgruntled Callahan. Maybe he will see a boost in stats (I hope) in T Bay?

    Edmonton makes a trade, but hardly a major move people seem to expect, shipping Hemsky to Ottawa. When is Edm going to part with one of the young stars to boost their defence? At least they pawned Bryz off on Minny now that they have a Scrivens, and I guess Fasth too.

    Heard the offer from Pitt for Kesler - Wow. How Van can pass that up I have no idea...

    Down to the last couple hours...

  2. Hemsky was cheap. How did Pitt not get him. Who wins the trade lotto and plays with Crosby.

  3. I'm looking forward to Richards playing with St. Louis that's for sure. Question is does Darrell benefit more with Nash or me with Richards. I'm saying it makes a bigger difference to Richards than Nash. Although Dan you may have a point and Callahan may see the biggest improvement if he gets to play with Stamkos. Word is that guy can score a little.

  4. Well I guess we don't need to speculate on the awkward locker room dynamic in Florida between Thomas and Bobby Lou now that Thomas is Dallas-bound!


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