
Week 12 Final Stats - Challenge Cup Finals Set

The Highlanders were poised to further extend their lead on Sunday but goaltending let them down - meaning they couldn't take advantage of the Bladerunner's goaltender getting a rare night off in Tinsletown.  Still, at almost 29pts the Highlanders have a bit of a buffer for the final 20 days of the season.

The Highlanders and Bladerunners still have reason to make trades on today's deadline in any event as they both advance to the Challenge Cup finals, which start tonight in the Highlander's Stronghold Arena.  The Highlanders held on to a 10pt lead over the Severed Heads (who boasted the league's second best total for the week) to win their semi-final while the Bladerunners eked out a narrow 1pt lead over the Personal Vendetta.  Brian and Darrel, please check your totals right away as the slightest error on my part may give me a different dance partener and I don't want to have to use my Tardis to fix it if I can at all avoid it.

The Omnivore is just approximate at this point given my current time constraints and the rather substantive lead that Bob holds it is not a priority for me just now.  I will check it soon and expect that several teams will have some noteable adjustments (as is usually the case when I go through and tweak these things at the start).

Trade lines are open but only until 6pm tonight.  Talk to you all soon, I hope :-)

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