
Tuesday Night Stats - Week 10

Quick note - while entering the Week 10 line-ups I noticed two mistakes with the Week 9 line-ups for the Wolves (shortchanged them 1.5 pts from their TGs - who I had all benched) and the Great Whites (whom I gave an extra point for a Siedenberg assist even though he was played +/-, where he went even).  Those corrections are now made.

[Update - the W-L-T notation is now corrected for the Challenge Cup Standings, the pt totals were already correct but the chart was not]

As for the races themselves, the Bladerunners are slowly chipping away and the Highlanders' lead while the Edge, Wolves and Vendetta fight to re-enter the conversation.

The Great Whites can't seem to catch the Scourge to get out of the basement while the Barbarians and Severed Heads get off to slow weeks and look to cross the 300 pt mark tonight.

In the Challenge Cup races, the Personal Vendetta and Highanders have already booked their tickets to the playoffs but the number one seed is up for grabs in their head-to-head match this week.  The Severed Heads and Barbarians can clinch playoff spots themselves with wins this week but both trail in the early going.

The regular season concludes next week but 8 teams remain mathematically in the running for the post season.

As always, trade lines remain open.

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