
Thursday Night Stats - Week 5

By the narrowest of margins, and indeed little more than 20 pts separating 1st from 7th, complacency should not be an issue but it is still nice to see the Highlanders atop the table.

Best week so far is the last place Great Whites who, having suffered some injuries of their own, are hoping to capitalize on the Barbarian's FP injury to win their first Challenge Cup game of the year.  Still, a lot happens on the weekend.

Will try to get stats out this weekend (for the first time this season) now that I have the spreadsheet up and running - the challenge is to make sure the kiddies don't interfere with Daddy's "important work" :-).

Have a great long-weekend for those of you in Provinces that celebrate Family Day or other February holiday's this Monday.

Trade lines remain open - defense is a popular need, at least for me.

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