
Scourge 2013

The Scourge

L: Skinner-Car P3, Michalek-Ott, VanRiemsdyk-Tor RFA, Prospal-Clb RFA, MacArthur-Tor

Rating: 2

Skinner would have to have a career year and then some to be a true #1 LW in the FUNHL, and it remains to be seen if he could do that. Michalek is probably slotted correctly as a #2, but he lacks consistency, his playmaking pivot is now gone for the year, and he is as injury prone as they come. JVR has a chance to prove he was worth the 2nd overall pick in his draft year, but so far has been something of a dud. Prospal represents the most consistent option the team has, and he is a one year up - one year down guy like clockwork. This is a down year. MacArthur is a grinder with some pop, but unless injuries ahead of him occur he'll get no serious look on the PP and will be lucky to crack a .5ppg pace.

C: Spezza-Ott FP, Roy-Dal RFA, Jokinen-Wpg RFA, Kesler-Vcr RFA, Grigerenko-Buf P2, Stepan-NYR P3, Strome-NYI P2, Schiefle-Wpg P2, Monahan-OHL P1, Tervainen-Chi P1

Rating: 1

The rating would be much higher if Spezza hadn't just undergone back surgery that will likely wipe out his season, and if Roy weren't also already on IR. Jokinen becomes the defacto #1 pivot, and he is atrocious at that job at the NHL level, let alone a 12 team league. Kesler is also hurt and hasn't a timetable to return. Grigerenko could be promoted as the rook has earned a regular shift with Buf, but he isn't exactly tearing it up so far and is barely replacement level. Stepan is the other guy who might get bumped up as he has a regular shift for the Rangers, but he too would be better served waiting another year. Schiefle is in a similar situation as Strome. Monahan has top-end talent, but isn't even drafted yet. Tervainen represents a gifted future prospect for the Hawks but is toiling in Europe. Lots (and LOTS) of upside with the prospects, but none of it is ready to step in for the injuries that have blitzed the Scourge at center. Desperately needs a trade.

R: Kessel-Tor, Pominville-Buf, Carter-LA, Niedereitter-NYI RFA, Grabner-NYI P3

Rating: 4

Kessel is a legit top-end option at RW. Pominville is a very solid #2, who on many teams would be a 1st liner. Carter may have fallen away from the PPG pace he used to put up, but his ability to score will be well better than most 3rd liners. Niedereitter has been a terrible fit so far on the Island, wasn't invited to camp despite being a ppg in the AHL when camp opened, and has requested a trade. He has a terrific package of skills so if he is dealt he could prove an exceptional pick up. Grabner is a speed burner who resurrected his career on the Island, but he has lots of talent ahead of him that will block a roster promotion.

D: Campbell-Fla, Boyle-SJ, Erhoff-Buf, Ryan.Whitney-Edm RFA, Liles-Tor RFA, M.Staal-NYR RFA, Kuba-Ott RFA, Myers-Buf RFA

Rating: 3.5

A nice blend of offense throughout the depth chart, Campbell headlines the corps. with his QB abilities. Boyle is aging, but still the top D-man on high scoring SJ. Erhoff was a bit of a bust last year, but as a #3 he's top notch. Ryan Whitney has had a raft of injury issues the last couple of years, but if he bounces back to good health he could log big minutes and play in most teams top pairing. Liles is a runty PP QB, and would be a lock for most teams top 4. Staal is a burgeoning all-round weapon for the Rangers, but he still gets the shutdown role more than the take charge role for the Blueshirts. Kuba is missing in action, likely KHL bound. Myers is still a tower on the Buf blueline, but his offense has regressed three seasons running.

G: Lundqvist-NYR FP, Biron-NYR RFA

Rating: 4.5

Lundqvist is a legit top 3 goaltender, and Biron would be a capable stopgap replacement in the event Lundqvist is hurt.

Overall: 15

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