
The Wolves 2013

The Wolves

L: Kovalchuk-NJ FP, Filppula-Det, Morrow-Dal RFA, B.Schenn-Pha RFA, Nyquist-Det P3

Rating: 2.5

Kovalchuk is still a premier sniper blessed with the full arsenal of shots, elite speed, size and hockey sense. He's a top-end gunner even in an offense as ultra-conservative as New Jersey's. Filppula is a utility knife center/forward who can be spotted up and down the lineup in a variety of roles. I think he's miscast as a FUNHL #2 line player, if only because he isn't even the #2 in Detroit (Datsyuk/Zetterberg are ahead of him). Morrow is a gritty, bang and crash winger with goal scoring ability - and the need for a good insurance plan. Brayden is the Schenn brother known for possessing an actual NHL caliber skill set. He's due for a breakout year, but Philly seems to be a bit of a mess what with injuries having plagued the team badly early on. Nyquist is one of Detroit's 'slow-prospects', skilled guys they leave to mature for ages in the AHL until arriving more or less fully formed into the NHL. He's got the reputation of being a guy who will one day carry the Red Wing offense. One day.

C: Toews-Chi FP, Ribeiro-Wsh, Stastny-Col, J.Jokinen-Car RFA, Couturier-Pha P3, Zibenejad-Ott P2, Galchenyuk-Mtl P1

Rating: 3.5

Toews is without argument one of the best all-round players in the game, capable of scoring, playmaking, and checking at an elite level. It's the last element that inhibits his value at the FUNHL - he's so responsible defensively he sacrifices his chances at being an elite point producer. A hockey player's hockey player. Ribeiro is the opposite of Toews, skinny and slow where Toews is big and fast, allergic to checking, and a factor in only one of the three zones, his upside lies in the fact that the one thing he is genuinely good at is providing offense at an average 2nd line level. Stastny has had some bad injury filled years for Colorado, but he has the skill set capable of outperforming a 3rd line role for the FUNHL. Jusi Jokinen is a plug-n-play offensive forward winger who can capably fill a spot at the replacement level in the event of injury. Couturier is a burgeoning power pivot who is already the best defensive forward on the Flyers. As his responsibility grows (and as Briere is transitioned out), he'll see a steady rise in his offense. Zibenejad is similar in that he brings a steady two-way game to go with his  offensive abilities, and it won't be long before he assumes the #2 role behind Jason Spezza on the Senator's depth chart. Galchenyuk is the home-run pick, a fast, very talented sniper, he could be ready sooner rather than later.

R: Kane-Chi, Kulemin-Tor RFA, Vrbata-Phx RFA, Kadri-Tor RFA, Silfverberg-Ott P1

Rating: 2

Kane is an elite offensive producer who will match up well against other FUNHL 1st liners, but the rest of the wing is a bit of a horror show. Kulemin is WAY overmatched at the #2 spot, Vrbata is also overmatched at the #3, though not as badly as Kulemin is. Kadri is blooming into a useful NHL player and could well take the spot of anyone but Kane ahead of him - or he could return to the AHL for more seasoning. Silfverberg gives the team a possible elite winger of the future, and he might even be dressable as soon as this season given his advanced age and seasoning in Europe.

D: Pietrangelo-StL, Keith-Chi, Bieksa-Vcr, Pitkanen-Car, J.Schultz-Edm P1, Zidlicky-NJ RFA, MA Bergeron-TBay RFA, Daley-Dal RFA, Morrow-Pit P2, Jones-USNTDP P1

Rating: 5

When you factor in that Schultz can likely play right now (after dominating the AHL during the lockout), the Wolves blue-line is (IMO) the best in the league. Pietrangelo is as high end a guy can be without being an FP. Keith is at worst a solid #2, and in a good year, could be the teams best guy. Bieksa is elite for a #3 D-man if his PIM are factored in. Pitkanen is a very solid top 4 guy in his own right, with upside to be even higher. Zidlicky will get oodles of PP time in NJ, and while he gets burned by speedy forwards, the Wolves don't care about his defense. Bergeron is a PP specialist and if the man-advantage starts clicking in Tampa he could feast on 2nd assists. Daley is a solid #8 guy who can fill in higher if there is an injury. Morrow is a high-end offensive prospect developing in the Pittsburgh system. The only downside for him is that there are a lot of competitng prospects on the Pens blue. Jones is a potential 1st overall candidate for next years NHL ED, and his tool-kit is the best for a blue-liner since Pronger hit the draft board. The team has everything, high-end offense, toughness, and a trio of guys (Schultz, Morrow, and Jones) to build on for the future.

G: Niemi-SJ RFA, Lehtonen-Dal RFA

Rating: 3

Both guys have huge question marks. How good is the D in front of Niemi? Is he really a #1 goaltender at the FUNHL level? Can Lehtonen stay healthy? Can the defense in front of him reduce the quality of shots he faces? Other than the year that included a winning playoff run by Niemi in Chicago, and a quarter season by Lehtonen in Dallas, neither guy has ever been a top 5 netminder.

Total: 16

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