
The Barbarians 2013

The Barbarians

L: Lucic-Bos FP, Ladd-Wpg RFA, Malone-TBay RFA, Boedker-Phx RFA, Conacher-TBay P1, Omark-Edm P1

Rating: 2.5

Lucic is one of the five top TG's in the league, and doesn't require goon minutes to be dressable. That said, with them included, he's among the elite. Ladd is a grinding winger with some skill, but he's best suited to a third line FUNHL role. Malone is very similar to Ladd, but he has 2nd TG potential. Boedker is a speed merchant with some high-end skill, but Phoenix is doing their level best to prevent him from ever showing it. Conacher is stamped in the mold of Martin StLouis, a highly skilled waterbug with oodles of scoring ability - but so lacking in size you fear for his existence on every shift. Omark is a slender skill winger who lacks the frame to play in the NHL, even the last place roster of the Oilers couldn't find a role for him outside of the shoot-out, and he's now back in Europe.

C: Krecji-Bos, O'Reilly-Col, Lecavalier-TBay RFA, Little-Wpg RFA, Grimaldi-Fla P1, Jacobs-Buf P1, Jankowski-Cgy P1

Rating: 2

Krecji is a nifty and gritty playmaking pivot, but he's overwhelmed as a FUNHL top line option. O'Reilly is a centerman straight out of the Craig Conroy mold - he has enough offense to play with the big boys, but his bread and butter is always going to be how he shuts down the opposing teams best center. Unfortunately, he's toiling in Russia while sorting out his contract with the notoriously stingey Av's. Lecavalier is something of a boom-bust proposition to be consistent for the top two lines, but given the team has him as their third stringer, he could move up to take O'Reilly's spot without much being lost. Little has enough raw skill to score 30goals in a normal year, but his playmaking has never been top tier, and unless he can find a complimentary winger he might never see that total again. Grimaldi is a thickly built sparkplug of a center - standing just 5'6". He has elite level hands for a player of any size though, and proved it by scoring the gold winning goal for the US team at the WJC.  I'm always worried when someone goes way off my draft board at the prospect draft - in part because I like to think I have the deepest draft board of anyone, and in part becaues when GMs have gone way off my radar it has landed them guys Milan Hejduk and Mike Green. So when Collin Jacobs was selected by the Barbarians, I had to do some digging. Jacobs played in the Dub at 16, but until this year hasn't been a ppg guy. Currently with Prince George, he leads the team in scoring, but according to everything I can find, he doesn't project as a top six forward in the NHL. Something triggered the Barbarian's interest in him though, so maybe the scouts are wrong. Jankowski was Calgary's most recent 1st rnder, but has the word 'project' stamped all over him. Playing in an obscure Canadian High School league, Jankowski had a late growth spurt that pushed him well over 6'2" from what was previously an undersized 5'9". He dominated in his league, but given it's quality, that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Afer being drafted he jumped to the NCAA where he now plays for Providence. In a few years (and after packing on more than a few pounds) Jankowski may well be the big-body skill center the Flames have lacked since Joe Nieuwendyk.

R: Gaborik-NYR, Hossa-Chi, Dupuis-Pit, Hornqvist-Nsh RFA, Shaw-Chi P1

Rating: 4

Gaborik is still a top tier gunner, albeit one with an injury record longer than Jack the Ripper's rap sheet. Hossa appears to have recovered from his concussion with elan, and he could post FP level numbers terrorizing goaltenders with his speed and shot. I'm not a fan of Dupuis as he (like Tyler Kennedy) could be bumped from a scoring to a checking line by the slightest coaching whim, but so long as he draws either 'The Croz' or Malkin as his pivot his offense should be replacement level. Hornqvist is a very good 4th liner capable of taking over the third when/if Dupuis loses his stop six role in Pit.  Shaw is currrently a depth player for Chicago, but he has enough skill he might one day find a scoring line role on the 2nd line (the first line is essentially locked in for Chicago).

D: Karlsson-Ott FP, Wideman-Cgy, Hamhuis-Vcr, Coburn-Pha RFA, Garrison-Vcr RFA, Salo-TBay RFA, Kubina-X RFA, Gragnani-Car RFA
Rating: 3.5

The D is significantly elevated by the presence of Karlsson, a guy who is the 2nd coming of Phil Housley offensively (and Housley never won a Norris). His passing, shot, and agility are 2nd to none for defensemen and if he even comes close to last years offensive totals he is like having the production of two good top 4 guys rolled into one player. Wideman is an offense first guy who will bring his powerplay acumen to the Flames, a team that was desperate for a new PP QB. Hamhuis is a solid, if unspectacular two-way defender who fits solidly into the #3-4 slot. After these guys though, it's a bit of a dog's breakfast. Garrison has exactly half of one year producing at a top level for a defenseman, but he parlayed last year's first half of the season breakout into a fat contract with Vancouver. If he can recapture that magic he'll be an excellent #4 guy, but if he can't...Coburn has never had decent stats offensively, but if Philadelphia can tighten their ship up, he might have outside chances at being a TG or +/- guy. Salo takes his rocket slap shot and fragile body to Tampa, where he hopes to play a full season and provide a point shot bomb for the Bolts. Kubina remains unsigned by an NHL team and looks to be finishing out his career in Europe. Gragnani has the pedigree of being a very good powerplay guy at the AHL level, but still needs to establish himself as a full-time NHL rearguard.

G: Smith-Phx, Theodore-Fla RFA, Holtby-Wsh P1, Thomas-Bos P1

Rating: 3.5

Smith had fantastic stats last year as the starter in Phoenix, but it was the first time he'd ever justified his existence in the FUNHL. Theodore could challenge Smith for the starters role, but his prime is past and he is playing Florida, a place snipers love to visit. Holtby might be the home-run of the Barbarians prospect draft, he wowed fans of Washington in the playoffs, and appears tobe the new heir apparent to Olaf Kolzig's crease.  Thomas is a strange prospect pick anyway you look at it. He's guaranteed to miss a full season, and he'll be 39-40 when he comes back - hardly an ideal age for a prospect. That said, if he does manage to find a team willing to take him own, he could be a #1 goaltender for at least one or two more years - but it seems like a risky bet allround.

TTotal: 15.5 

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