
Knights Templar 2013

Knights Templar

L: Parise-Min FP, Hartnell-Pha, Kunitz-Pit RFA, Glencross-Cgy RFA, Zucarrello-Aasen-NYR P3, Adam-Buf P2, Baertschi-Cgy P2

Rating: 4

Parise has a shiney new mega-contract to play for, and is now in his home town. Should be plenty motivated to return to the ppg+ pace of yore. Hartnell is one of the league's elite TG's and qualifies as a legit 1st line option in his own right. Kunitz spoils the trio a bit, since he has utterly failed to capitalize on the presence of two elite centermen on his roster, but will still kick in average value for a 3rd line FUNHL winger. Glencross is a 'Mr. Everything' type for the Flames, chipping in goals, checking the other team's elite, and babysitting your kids in his spare-time. If Kunitz struggles Glen-X should easily be able to take his role over. Zuccarello-Aasen has returned to Europe to wander the hills barefoot in search of the secret entrance to Mordor. Adam has flashed some powerforward potential, but now looks to be more suited for a checking line role, especially with the presence of more offensively gifted prospects like Grigerenko coming up the pipe. Baertschi is Calgary's offensive future, a swift footed sniper with excellent offensive instincts. He'll make the Flames this year (permanently) and establish a dressable presence in the next year or so.

C: Getzlaf-Ana, Desharnais-Mtl, Weiss-Fla RFA, Nielsen-NYI RFA, Hodgson-Buf P2, Johansson-Wsh P2

Rating:  2.5

Getzlaf is a legit top line option even with the outrageous bed-crapping he went through last year. Desharnais had some nice stats for a 3rd liner, but is totally miscast as a 2nd line FUNHL center, and should be dominated in just about any FUNHL matchup. Worse, he now has Alex Galchenyuk flashing elite speed and hands (as well as more prototypical NHL size) and is an overt threat to simply take his ice-time outright. Weiss has a ceiling of 60pts in a full year, but is more typically a replacement level 3rd liner. Nielsen has a greater chance of winning the Selke than he does of posting a .5 ppg pace over a full season. Hodgson could well supplant just about anyone short of Getzlaf in the pecking order, though his weakness is still a lack of an elite gear. Buffalo, now flush with young centers, is looking at switching him into a winger. Johansson is looking like an afterthought offensively in Washington, as more talented guys appear to be threatening his spot (Forsberg, Kuznetsov, etc.). Maybe reborn as a 3rd line NHL checking center.

RW: Perry-Ana FP, Cole-Mtl RFA, Versteeg-Fla RFA, Wheeler-Wpg P2

Rating: 3

Perry dropped off the pace from his ridiculous MVP season, but still has the goal scoring ability and negative attitude to be THE elite TG. Cole has acceptable powerforward ability, but slots best as a 3rd line guy in the FUNHL. Versteeg can fill the 3rd line role admirably, but has some threats on the Panther's internally for his top-line scoring spot (in particular Huberdeau could blow right by him). Wheeler is a massively framed scoring winger in the mold of Rick Nash, but he often operates in a bubble preferring solo-rushes down the wing to being a complimentary piece. When the spirit moves him though, he can be a beauty.

D: Suter-Min, Phaneuf-Tor, Leddy-Chi, Seabrook-Chi, Shattenkirk-StL P3, Niskanen-Pit RFA, Girardi-NYR RFA, Brodie-Cgy RFA, Gormley-Phx P2

Rating: 4.5

Arguably the best collection of D-men in the league. Suter is a legit #1 (though on the low side), Phaneuf given even a slight improvement in his offense could also be a #1, and projects well as a TG option, Leddy has terrific offensive instincts and is an excellent top 4 guy. Seabrook routinely fills the role of a top 4 guy at the FUNHL level. Shattenkirk has bloomed into a legit offensive defenseman, and could bump anyone but Suter down the depth chart. Niskanen and Girardi are way overqualified for bottom pair FUNHL roles. Brodie is capable of producing at the NHL level, and if he starts to hit his stride he represents terrific value, and Gormley is arguably the best D-man prospect not in the NHL. All told, an excellent collection of blue-liners from which the Knights can make trades.

G: Backstrom-Min, Howard-Det RFA

Rating: 3

Backstrom is virtually the definition of 'average starting FUNHL goaltender'. Howard was a better bet to be elite prior to the departure of Nik Lidstrom from the blue in front of him, now he's going to have to prove he's a top five guy - and the jury is definitely still out.

Total: 17

1 comment:

  1. That is about how I see the franchise this year. Lets see where we an go from here.

    Trade lines are open.


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