
Final FunHL Stats: Making It Official Edition. Congrats to the Great Whites on 4th Predator Cup; Congrats to the Barbarians on 1st Challenge Cup


  1. Thanks Doug!!!

    Congrats Dan!!!

    Just wish I could have caught the PV and Ramapithicines in the overall. Just needed 1 more week at that rate. But rather than ask what if's we are celebrating our Challenge cup win!!!

  2. Congrats to Dan and to Barbarian Mike on their respective wins.

  3. Well done - Mike B and Dan (now officially)

    It looks like that Week 27 +/- gambit with Carle and Backes will cost the Shadow the Omnivore - maybe...

    Or perhaps we say unofficial congrats to the Scourge - make that 2 in a row, perhaps...

    And our sorrows go to the Templar and Getta who fell into the Herbivore...

  4. Good season everyone! One of the closest margins from top to bottom that I can recall.

    Congratulations to Dan on his well earned Predator Cup and to Mike B. for winning the Challenge Cup.

    It's now time to enjoy some playoff hockey, rest, recuperate and begin preparations for next season.

    Vengeance will be mine. ;)

  5. Congrats Dan and Mike! Well fought!

    And thanks to Doug and Brian and Bob for their efforts in making the league function.

  6. Congratulations Dan on your Predator Cup victory!! Well earned sir. Bet it tastes good!

    Congratulations as well to Mike B. on your Challenge Cup victory - also well earned!

    The races were certainly interesting to watch - Cam, Bob and Corey, you should all be congratulated on your efforts as well.

    Will wait to see official Omnivore totals before wishing Chris his probable congratulations.

    Mega kudos to Doug for his Stats - I keep thinking the statistician could make a killing if he made us pay to see the stats :-)

    Thanks Bob as well for your work in keeping the line-ups posted and drafting for half the league at Waiver drafts ;-)



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