
Week 14 Stats - Something Positive Bruin for Wolves and Ramapithicines

Hi guys, I can't explain how crazy busy the last few weeks have been and I know that there will be more of the same coming up.  That said, I have a quiet night at home and a chance to get some of these stats out.  I had no idea that we had a change in the Predator Cup leader slot last week or that the Wolves shot up half-way up the standings in one week but that is the power, and allure, of playing multiple players +/-.  There are risks, to be sure, but right now playing your Bruins +/- seems like money in the bank.

1 comment:

  1. All the best with your new house Doug! Thanks for stats update, we are all having the withdrawal shakes and sweats (you really should charge us a portion of our paucheques, we'd probably pay).

    Corey and Rob, wow! Good job barrelling up the standings. We can probably thank the Flames 9-0 loss for some of that am sure, haha...although Boston
    murdering various teams the last while.


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