
Unofficial - especially re Shadowmen - Week 17 Stats

Hi guys.  I have a little toddler who is now awake and trying to pull apart my laptop so I can't double check what is wrong with Bob's overall totals, but I am sure something is - what with all his trades.  That said, I think the stats for the week are correct and, in fact, other that Bob's total number I think it is all good.  I believe that Bob should be at about 555pts and in 4th place.  Hopefully I can confirm where I made my mistake soon.  There was one other adjustment that I had to correct with Chris' last couple of weeks where I forgot that he no longer had Hemsky and Stewart for the last two weeks - I only think I was out a couple of pts but in case anyone was wondering.

If anyone sees anything else amis, let me know.


  1. ok, think I have found one problem but have uncovered a couple more (including on another team). Sorry guys. Will keep plugging away.

  2. hi doug,

    added week 17 for 16 pts in total with tgs.

    otherwise, thanks for figuring things out...

  3. hi doug, i think my total is 555.94pts for 4th. based on week 16 totals and my own week 17 numbers

  4. hey doug,

    head up

    stick on the ice

    no apologies.

    good luck!


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